Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1895: I disagree!

"We are here to subdue the Kingdom of the Storm God and all the surrounding forces." The Feng Clan youth said lightly.

"What if I disagree?" Xiao Chen said.

"Then kill you!" The Feng Clan youth said lightly.

"Kill me?" Xiao Chen said with disdain: "Only you two?"

"Looking for death!" Seeing Xiao Chen's expression, the young dragon tribe's eyes flashed with anger. The dragon tribe has always been proud. When was it so underestimated, not to mention the other party's tone of disdain.

At the next moment, the young dragon clan had already started to rush towards Xiao Chen, his right hand turned into a dragon claw, and he patted Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen looked at the dragon youth, until the dragon youth was close behind him, Xiao Chen faintly stretched out his fist, blocking the dragon youth's grasp.


With the great power radiating, Chang Qianqian was shocked back a few steps, and then looked at Xiao Chen with some worry.

Xiao Chen raised his head to look at the Dragon Clan youth, and said lightly: "Are you just such a bit of strength?"

"How is it possible, you are a human race, how can your physical body be so strong, you actually blocked my blow." The young dragon clan said in surprise.

"The power of the Dragon Clan is not that great, you should try my power too." Xiao Chen said lightly, and then suddenly retracted his fist and punched the Dragon Clan youth.

"Huh!" The young Long Clan snorted coldly, his arms blocked in front of him, and Xiao Chen's punch hit the young Long Clan's arms.

"Evil Demon Burst Fist!" Xiao Chen's faint voice rang. The next moment, the Dragon Clan youth's complexion changed drastically, and the whole person flew out in an instant and fell beside the Feng Clan youth.

"Are you injured?" The young Feng clan looked at the blood oozing from the corner of the young Dragon clan's mouth, and his eyes flashed with shock.

"What a powerful force, his body and strength are not inferior to those of the Dragon Clan." The Dragon Clan youth wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Xiao Chen, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

The eyes of the youth of the Feng clan also flashed with jealousy, and then looked at Xiao Chen, a long sword appeared in his hand, and it suddenly slashed at Xiao Chen in the sky, and a flame sword light of several feet had appeared above Xiao Chen's head.

Xiao Chen looked at the flame blade light, faintly stretched out his fingers, and a black flame appeared on both fingers.

"What does he want to do?" The Feng Clan youth and the Dragon Clan youth looked at Xiao Chen's movements for a moment, but in the next moment, they understood.

I saw Xiao Chen's two fingers, faintly pinching the cut flame sword light.

"how is this possible?"

Both the dragon youth and the phoenix youth opened their mouths and looked at this scene incredible.

"How is it possible that the fire of the phoenix is ​​useless to him?" The young Feng clan asked in disbelief when he saw the flame sword light gradually disappear.

"You are too weak."

Xiao Chen looked at the two and said lightly.

"Who are you?" the two asked at the same time staring at Xiao Chen.

"Xiao Chen, the supreme elder of the Sky Star Sect." Xiao Chen said, and then pointed to Chang Qianqian: "By the way, this is my Deputy Sect Master of the Sky Star Sect."

"Sky Star Sect? Xiao Chen?" The two were surprised, then looked at Xiao Chen, and said in disbelief: "Are you the Xiao Chen who destroyed the Thunder World and the Qingmu World?"

"Congratulations on your guessing right." Xiao Chen said, "No matter what you want to do in the God Realm, I advise you to give up. The God Realm is the territory of my Sky Star Sect."

The youths of the Dragon and Feng tribes looked very ugly. Although they hadn't seen what happened in the Thunder World, they had heard of it many times. At this time, seeing Xiao Chen's powerful strength, they knew it was difficult.

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