Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1922: Origin spirit vein!

When Lei Sifang saw the ten women, his eyes widened immediately, just at this moment.

"I am willing to hand over the original soul, my lord, you still have no shortage of mounts, what do you think of me?" Thunder Dragon suddenly knelt in front of Mu Qingxuan, and said flatly.

Leilong's voice suddenly awakened Lei Sifang. He glanced at ten people, and finally his eyes fell on Mu Qingxuan. At this moment, he was the same as Qian Liu saw Xiao Rou at the time. He felt a natural suppression on Mu Qingxuan. After taking a look at Thunder Dragon, he immediately followed the Thunder Dragon and knelt in front of Mu Qingxuan.

"I am also willing to dedicate my original soul, sir, can you let me follow you too."

"Fuck, you are not qualified to be by your side." Leilong was furious and roared at Lei Quartet.

"Lord Thunder Dragon, you are wrong to say that. This adult looks like the phoenix among people, and his future achievements will be limitless. Although I am low in strength, I can still fight."

Lei Sifang was dissatisfied with his defense. For some reason, he felt that there was a mysterious power in Mu Qingxuan. That kind of power could not be explained, but he felt that since Mu Qingxuan appeared, the thunder power in him seemed to have met the ancestors. same

"Nonsense, it's for you. Everyone can tell that several adults are dragons and phoenixes among humans. If you want to flatter you, you are still far away. I am at least the eighth-level cultivation base of Ascension and can be a mount. How about you, you What can you do?" Lei Long glared at Lei Quartet angrily.

"I'm also a semi-holy cultivation base anyhow, I can serve tea and pour water, I can open up territory for adults, can you?" Lei Sifang said without giving way.

"Well, both of you shut up, and now give your original soul, from now on, you are the people of my Heavenly Star Zonglei Palace." Mu Qingxuan said coldly.

"Yes, yes!" Lei Sifang and Leilong said hurriedly, and then they unanimously dedicated their original souls.

The original soul, when it breaks through to the quasi-sage, the soul will completely switch to the original soul.

After Mu Qingxuan received the souls of Lei Sifang and Leilong, Xiao Chen's mind rang the voice of the system.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for completing the limited-time survival mission and obtaining the original spirit vein."

Hearing the voice of the system, Xiao Chen knew that Lei Sifang had completely given up on his killing intent. He thought that he and Lei Sifang were either you or me. He didn’t expect that Lei Sifang would take refuge in Mu Qingxuan and brought one. Brontosaurus.


Just as the system sound fell, Tian Xing'er's figure suddenly appeared beside Xiao Chen. After seeing Tian Xing'er, Thunder Dragon was taken aback, and instantly knelt down to Tian Xing'er, and said respectfully: "See your lord!"

"Sect Master!" The Deputy Sect Masters also looked at Tian Xing'er respectfully, and Lei Sifang saw this scene, his face was full of shock, and then looked at Tian Xing'er, his heart was instantly nervous to the extreme, Thunder Dragon's respectful attitude, that It is a kind of respect from the heart.

"You are welcome, several mothers." Tian Xing'er nodded, and then in the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory, a dragon vein emerged from the sky, and the huge original Qi instantly covered the entire Heavenly Star Immortal Territory.

Subsequently, the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory has undergone earth-shaking changes, and countless nihilistic places have appeared, and the entire Heavenly Star Immortal Territory has slowly turned into a galaxy, centered on the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory, surrounded by a black and silent land.

"In the name of Tianxinger, I command the power of the stars, listen to my orders, and gather in me!" Tianxinger's solemn and coercive voice resounded through the starry sky. In the next moment, countless stars appeared in the starry sky, gathering in the sky. Body.

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