Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1990: The power of the demon saint!

"You are the little girl. Your whole family is a little girl. Call me senior." Chen Zilin seemed to have been blown up by a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"Okay, senior, then you tell me, OK?" Xiao Chen hurriedly smiled as she watched the girl gritted her teeth.

"Little junior, no matter how big or small, sister will definitely teach you how to be a human being." Chen Zilin said in anger.

Li Mingshang saw that Xiao Chen ignored him, and instead talked and laughed with Chen Zilin, his eyes flashed with killing intent.

"Okay, let's go." Chen Ziqian said, and the group left the town.

After more than an hour, everyone officially entered the Demon Wolf Mountain Range, and before they had walked out a few hundred miles, they encountered a demon wolf.

The monster wolf is not big, but he is very handsome, with a fierce aura from his body. Seeing the monster wolf look like this, Xiao Chen can't help but think of the appearance of the Qing Emperor at the beginning.

The demon wolf only had the cultivation base of the reborn, but he was very slaughter. After seeing Xiao Chen and the others, he didn't hesitate to leave behind a blue light and rushed over.

"Quite fast." Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with surprise, this speed is no longer comparable to the speed of a normal outborn realm cultivation base.

At this moment, Chen Zilin had already stepped out, and that small fist hit the demon wolf's head with a precise and accurate punch. The demon wolf screamed and flew out instantly with a wailing. She was already motionless, obviously she had no breath.

"What a violent little loli!" Xiao Chen was a little surprised.

Xiao Chen didn't feel any aura from Chen Zilin. Obviously, she killed the monster wolf directly with her body, and she hadn't hurt the monster wolf's body.

Chen Ziqian collected the corpse of the demon wolf, and everyone continued to move forward. They encountered the demon wolf along the way, all of which were shot by Chen Zilin, and every time he punched.

However, as the people continued to deepen, their actions became more careful. When they met some powerful demon wolves, they would detour, and along the way, no one except Chen Zilin did anything.

Xiao Chen already felt that the original power in his body was fading. Although it was not a lot, it was steadily declining, and the other people didn't take action, obviously to save the original power.

Under the leadership of Chen Ziqian, everyone moved forward cautiously, and soon everyone entered a valley, the valley was beautiful, but after entering the valley, Xiao Chen felt that the power of the source in his body was passing faster.

"What can the system detect?" Xiao Chen asked in his heart.

"Here contains the power of the demon saint, the same as in the eighteenth hell." The system said indifferently.

"The power of the demon saint, like the power of the nether, belong to a kind of saint power?"

"Yes, but the power of the demon saint here is thin, and the system speculates that it should have penetrated through the cracks in space."

"That should help me convert the power of the origin into the power of the so-called demon saint, right?" Xiao Chen asked.


The voice of the system fell, and the original power in Xiao Chen's body began to continuously transform into a new power. When this power flooded his body, Xiao Chen felt that his Divine Desolation Body began to strengthen, and every cell in his body was Full of explosive power.

"The power of the demon saint can actually increase the physical strength. No wonder these demon wolves are not only fast, but also so strong." Feeling the increasing physical strength, Xiao Chen was full of surprise.

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