Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2005: Temporarily recognize the Lord!

The wolf queen shouted at Zhongsheng again.

Contemplation appeared in Zhongsheng's wolf eyes. After a while, he looked at Xiao Chen and said in a low voice: "This king can temporarily recognize you as the master, but it is absolutely impossible for this king to submit to you."

"Deal!" Xiao Chen laughed, and then Zhongsheng sacrificed a drop of essence and blood, and Xiao Chen also forced a drop of essence and blood according to Tang Yanran's instructions. The last two drops of essence and blood merged together, and then appeared in Xiao Chen's sea of ​​consciousness.

A blue light flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes, and the next moment, Xiao Chen used seventy-two changes, transforming into a demon wolf exactly like Zhong Sheng.

"Seven Star Wings!" Xiao Chen said, and then Xiao Chen and Zhong Sheng drew a blue fold line, forming a double seven-star formation, trapping the four demon wolf kings!

"Accept the Seven Star Trial!" Xiao Chen shouted loudly, and then one by one the star arrows shot at the four demon wolf kings!

Two demon wolves appeared above the Seven-Star Array. The next moment, Xiao Chen and Zhong Sage became Xiao Chen at the same time. Then a black flame appeared between the hands of one Xiao Chen, and a blue flame appeared between the hands of the other Xiao Chen. Constantly compress the flame.

When the Seven Star Judgment disappeared, the four demon wolf kings looked up at the two above their heads at the same time. When they saw that the two actually condensed the cyan fireball and the black fireball together, the four demon kings were shocked. Without hesitation, immediately Run away!


Two Xiao Chen worked together to push the fireball out of their hands, causing an earth-shattering explosion on the plain. The explosion swept away like two planets colliding, and countless demon wolves were swallowed by the explosion before they could escape.

Xiao Chen uses the Nether Fire, and Zhong Sheng uses his original fire. Whether it is the Nether Fire or the original fire, it is extremely powerful. After being compressed and finally merged together, its destructive power is almost impossible. Imagine.

But the fact is also true, Xiao Chen's mind keeps on sounding reminders. Under this blow, I don't know how many demon wolves have been affected.

Tang Yanran sat on the wolf queen, and Xiao Chen sat on the middle saint wolf king, looking down indifferently. It took more than ten minutes before the whole scene began to become clear. It was no longer a plain, but a huge meteor. pit.

"As expected to be the Demon Wolf King, I didn't die like this!" Xiao Chen said lightly. Below, four demon wolf kings appeared in front of Xiao Chen. Although they were not dead, they were extremely miserable.

The west wind is the fastest, and it has avoided the explosion in the middle. The Nanli defense is strong enough. The North Fire itself is a fire attribute, and the damage it receives is relatively small.

But Dong Du was not so lucky. At this time, most of his body was blown out, and it was miserable.

Zhong Sheng saw Dong Du’s miserable appearance, and he was shocked. After he broke through the semi-sage, if he signs a contract with humans, he can share magical powers with his master, but his combat power is also related to the master's strength. Low, even if he gains the master's supernatural powers, it is of no use.

And the wolf queen is of the same kind as him, and because of this, he would accept the wolf queen as the queen. When he discovered that the wolf queen signed a contract with Tang Yanran, his heart was extremely angry.

However, due to the situation, after adding the wolf's persuasion, and seeing Xiao Chen's combat power, he chose to fight hard and signed a contract with Xiao Chen.

But the attack after signing the contract completely surpassed his expectation. With just one blow, one demon wolf king was seriously injured and completely lost combat effectiveness. The strength of the other three demon wolf kings was also greatly reduced, no longer before.

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