Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2015: Xiao Chen's narcissism!

Chi Huang's words made the eyes of the two of them look surprised again. A sub-sage personally recruited a quasi-sage. What kind of skills this kid had? Thinking of this, they all looked at Xiao Chen with curiosity in their eyes.

"By the way, Chen Mang, there is a conflict below, you'd better make your nephew be careful, otherwise it will be him who will suffer in the end." Chi Huang said.

"I know." Chen Mang nodded when he heard the words. He still knows his old friend very well. If he can say that, this kid must have something extraordinary.

Zhou Zheng also looked at Xiao Chen with great interest.

In the compound.

"Kill them!" Chen Lingsheng's indifferent voice uploaded from the channel.

"Yes, young master!" the middle-aged fat man responded, and with a big wave of his hand, several quasi-sage guards had already killed Xiao Chen and the others.

The powerhouses in the compound all looked at Xiao Chen and the others with a sneer, but the next moment, Qiao Mingyue had already stood up: "There are a few ants, and you don't have to bother the three adults!"

After the voice fell, Qiao Mingyue already had a long knife in his hand, fighting with these guards. After all, Qiao Mingyue is a quasi-sage pinnacle powerhouse, unable to display his full strength in the Demon Wolf Mountain Range, but it is still easy to deal with these guards, a few minutes later. , Several guards have all fallen to the ground.

"Qiao Mingyue, you dare to take action in Ling Sheng Mansion. Have you forgotten the horror of Ling Sheng Mansion?" Several powerhouses in the compound stood up, all of whom were Quasi-Saint peak powerhouses, among them Li The injuries are staring at Qiao Mingyue coldly.

Qiao Mingyue swept over them, with a trace of terror flashing in his eyes. When he wanted to climb the big tree of Chen Lingsheng, he had been to Lingsheng Mansion once. He wanted to see Chen Lingsheng, but he didn't even expect to enter the door. It was beaten out by several quasi-sage pinnacles.

And the reason why he came out was because he had not done enough to contribute, was not qualified to stay in Lingsheng Mansion, and was not qualified to meet Chen Lingsheng, so he ran to the Demon Wolf Mountain Range.

Most of these people had beaten him back then.

"Qiao Mingyue, you can withdraw!" Xiao Chen stood up just as Qiao Mingyue didn't know how to answer.

"Yes, my lord!" Qiao Mingyue breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that. To tell the truth, his heart has been tense until now. Facing these people, he doesn't even have the courage to speak.

"Li Mingshang, should you still know me?" Xiao Chen looked at Li Mingshang.

"Naturally know." Li Mingshang said coldly: "But I'm very curious that you didn't even die in the Demon Wolf Mountain Range. How did you do it?"

"The young master is so wise and martial, with extraordinary bearing. When the demon wolf saw the young master, he was completely subdued by the young master's power. Now all the demon wolves in the demon wolf mountain range are the young master's people. Should you also return the wolf cub? Give it to the little master." Xiao Chen said lightly, standing with his hands behind.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, three words appeared in everyone's heart, shameless, even the three powerful men in the attic laughed out loud.

"This little guy is interesting." Zhou Zheng laughed.

"Such a cheeky, I've seen it for the first time." Chen Mang also smiled.

"Perhaps what he said is true." Chi Huang said lightly.

"What a joke, there are five great demon wolf kings in the Demon Wolf Mountain Range, all of which are semi-sacred. If it weren't for the special aura there, and they would be of no use if they came out of the Demon Wolf Mountain Range, I want to subdue them." Chen Mang smiled. Tao.

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