Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2022: Chi Huang's purpose!

"Your Red Wanted Order and Golden Wanted Order are all personally recognized and issued by me. I have witnessed your talent and strength with my own eyes. Then I will say it straight. I want to invite you to join the Chijin Sect. If you join Chijin Saint Sect, Chijin Saint Sect will withdraw the wanted order. From then on, the Saint Sect Alliance will not continue to hunt you down. You can also become a disciple of the Saint Sect that everyone respects. What do you think?"

Chi Huang said straightforwardly, although Xiao Chen did not show a single metallic character, but Xiao Chen's combat power and various methods are there, and it is worth his personal invitation.

As Chi Huang's voice fell, the expressions of the strong people in the compound changed. Then they looked at Xiao Chen with envy, and they were personally invited by the Chijin Saint Sect and the Sub-Saint Strong, which was a blessing for eight lifetimes.

But thinking of the combat power that Xiao Chen showed, they took it for granted.

"Join Chijin Saint Sect?" Xiao Chen was taken aback. He didn't expect Chi Huang to invite him, but he didn't intend to join the Ten Great Saint Sects, so he didn't even think about it. He directly refused: "Thank you, senior for your kindness. , But the younger generation did not want to join any sect."

Hearing that, everyone's expressions changed, and they had no idea that Xiao Chen would refuse.

Chi Huang's expression remained the same, but a flash of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he said indifferently: "So, you are rejecting me. Do you know the consequences of rejecting me?"

"Senior will never kill me just because I refuse to join the Chijin Saint Sect?" Xiao Chen laughed.

"Since you are unwilling to join the Chi Jin Saint Sect, that is to say, you are the target of the Golden Wanted Order, and everyone in the Saint Sect Alliance is condemned. Can't I kill you?" Chi Huang smiled lightly.

"That's what I said." Xiao Chen smiled, "Since you want to kill me, just do it!"

"Since you want to kill you so much, then I will fulfill you. I also want to see what else you can do." Chi Huang said lightly, with a terrifying aura, and the terrifying pressure made the strong in the compound. Dahai began to retreat continuously, and then stared at Chi Huang unblinkingly. They had never seen a sub-sage powerhouse take action.

Xiao Chen looked at Chi Huang solemnly, and blocked the Ghost Array and Thunder Dragon on standby at any time, but he wanted to try first, how much difference was there between him and the sub-sage strong.

Chi Huang faintly raised his two fingers. There was a horrible meaning of golden evil on the fingers, and slowly formed a golden finger sword. Xiao Chen felt that the space around him seemed to be blocked. No matter how he escaped, he couldn't avoid Chi Huang. He had only one choice for his golden finger sword, and that was to take Chi Huang's attack.

"Is this the coercion of the sub-sage strong, it really is not comparable to the semi-sage strong!" Xiao Chen's eyes condensed, and he was ready to defend himself. He wanted to give it a try, with the sharpest attack. The metallicity, can he break through his defenses.

"Take it to death!" Chi Huang snorted coldly, a golden finger sword, already pointed out, pointed at Xiao Chen, with an extremely fierce aura, although it seemed slow, it gave life a kind of inescapability. Feeling unacceptable.

"Darkness swallowed!" Xiao Chen circled his hands, a black Tai Chi appeared in front of him, and a pure dark aura appeared, blocking Chi Huang's golden finger sword, which seemed to be sinking into a quagmire, constantly being swallowed by darkness. power.

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