Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2042: Bright smile!

In the sealed ghost formation, when he heard Xiao Chen's voice, Feng Yongzheng turned around, his face was full of ice cold: "What did you just say?"

"I said you'd better wash and go to bed earlier, you silly." Xiao Chen sneered.

"Death!" Feng Yongzheng sent a violent killing intent. At the same time, violent wind attribute holy power spread all over his body. The next moment, he rushed towards Xiao Chen. Before the people arrived, the dense wind blades had already surrounded Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen's figure dissipated under the wind blade again.

However, in the next moment, a dark figure had appeared behind Feng Yongzheng, with the Jueyuan Sword in his left hand and the Mountain Sword in his right hand. The Jue Yuan Sword was in front, spreading the storm around Feng Yongzheng, and the Mountain Sword directly slashed on him.

The next moment, Feng Yongzheng's figure was instantly cut off.

Everything happened between the electric light and flint, and the two sub-sage experts had not reacted before they saw Feng Yongzheng being cut out.

"Young Sect Master!" The two sub-sage masters yelled, and they wanted to go out to rescue, and at this moment, a shadow clone of Xiao Chen appeared in front of them.

"Thousands of miles are frozen!"

"Ice Fire Lotus!"

Xiao Chen used two skills to block the rescue of the two sub-sage powers, and his body transferred to the shadow point that followed Feng Yongzheng, the power of King Kong emerged, still simple and rough, a few copper pillars down, Feng Yongzheng Screaming again and again.

By the time the two sub-sage powers rushed through the thousands of miles of ice and the ice and fire lotus and came to the front, Xiao Chen had already loosened the breath of Feng Yongzheng, and he was carried in his hands like a child.

"Young Sect Master!" When the two sub-sage masters saw this scene, they were shocked. From the time they were blocked by a thousand miles of ice to the present, there was no more than two breaths at most, and within these two breaths, their Young Sect Master It was taken down, which is too fast.

"It seems that the Chijin Saint Sect and the Blazing Saint Sect are not exaggerating. With so many methods, you are indeed eligible to appear on the black wanted order." A sub-sage strong said solemnly.

"But I advise you to release the Young Sect Master, otherwise the Storm Sect will do its best to hunt you down!" Another sub-sage strong said coldly.

"I have already offended the Chijin Saint Sect and the Blazing Flame Saint Sect. Are you still afraid of offending a Storm Saint Sect?" Xiao Chen sneered.

"What do you want to release Young Sect Master?" The expressions of the two sub-sage powers were stagnant, and then they asked in a deep voice.

"It's not that your Young Sect Master can't let him go, but I can't just let him go for nothing." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Do you have any conditions, just mention it."

"Let me think about it," Xiao Chen said.

The two sub-sage masters stared coldly at Xiao Chen. After a few minutes, a sub-sage master couldn't help asking: "Did you think about it? What conditions do you want to offer?"

"What hurry, let me think about it." Xiao Chen said impatiently.

"Boy, don't pretend to be garlic, do you think we don't know that you are delaying time on purpose?" The sub-sage strong said coldly. In just a few minutes, a lot of power in their bodies has disappeared.

"I'm just delaying time. What can you do? If you want him to die, just do it!" Xiao Chen said lightly, with a bright smile on his face.

Looking at the smiles on Xiao Chen's face, the two sub-sage experts felt aggrieved. Had Feng Yong been in Xiao Chen's hands, they would have done it a long time ago. Why would they have talked so much with Xiao Chen.

However, they had no choice but to avoid rats, even if they knew Xiao Chen was delaying time.

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