Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2050: Inheritance space!

They once again entered a space full of cyan light, and then, a young figure condensed in the space again, but this young man did not have a sword in his hand.

After the youth appeared, without saying a word, he directly punched out. The next moment Xiao Chen received a punch on each of the ten people. Except for Xiao Chen and the low fat man who talked to him, all the others fell.

"You two pass the test, the others are eliminated!" The young man said lightly, his voice fell, and the figures of Xiao Chen and the low fat man had disappeared.

Xiao Chen only felt dizzy. He had already appeared in another space. At this moment, he was standing on a pumice stone. Not far away, a young figure was punching, and every punch was utterly ruined. The terrifying atmosphere of the earth.

Xiao Chen even suspected that with his current defense, he couldn't stop a punch.

"What kind of boxing is this, it's so terrifying, every punch carries explosive power." Xiao Chen was taken aback.

"Ding! The system starts scanning and analyzing!"

The system began to analyze, and Xiao Chen's whole heart sank into the sky of fist at this time. Every move of the youth flashed in his mind. Gradually, Xiao Chen felt a very strange feeling in his heart, as if he was a youth. , Sweating profusely and waving his fists, after each punch, his mind is bright, a kind of comfort dared to spread throughout the body.

Xiao Chen felt that he was the youth, and the youth was him. He kept shaking his fists, and every punch was full of violent and destructive power. Any existence, any power, seemed to be crushed by a punch, or even a piece of it with a punch. Big world.

Xiao Chen was already obsessed with boxing.

A cup of tea time.

Half an hour.

One hour.

Xiao Chen had forgotten time, self, and everything, only punching in his mind.


In the mysterious space, the Qingpao youth faintly looked at the space picture, and suddenly his line of sight was placed in a space. The space was filled with sharp sword aura, and Tong Xiong was constantly swinging his sword, with each swing of his sword. , The sword energy in the space will enter his body.

As these sword auras poured into Tong Xiong's body, Tong Xiong's aura continued to grow stronger, and his sword aura became stronger and stronger.

"Yes, I didn't expect that there are some good seedlings in these broken worlds. Maybe he can become a sword master. Well, Qingsheng Palace can finally have an outer disciple."

The young man smiled faintly, his eyes swept across multiple mysterious spaces, and nodded in satisfaction.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly fell on Xiao Chen.

"This is? How is it possible, how could he comprehend the power of the profound meaning?" A look of shock appeared in the young man's eyes.

After a long time, the young man came back to his senses and murmured: "This kid can actually comprehend the profound power in the inheritance space. This kid has a terrifying talent. It seems that it is necessary to accept him as a disciple of the Qingsheng Palace Inner Sect. "

"It's a pity that this space for inheritance can't be used anymore. It seems that it will cost money again, but it's worth getting an inner disciple."

The youth murmured, and then continued to look at these mysterious spaces, but most of his attention was on Xiao Chen.

In the inheritance space, the figure of youth has disappeared.

At this time, only Xiao Chen kept swinging his fists, and the shadows of fists were everywhere in the huge space.

The space was collapsing, and his fists were venting. Xiao Chen shook his fists tirelessly. After an unknown period of time, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes and punched out. The entire space was shattered, and then he reappeared in the Qingmang space.

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