Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2054: Sneak attack on Dongfangxian!

When Xiao Chen appeared on the top of the swamp, he instantly attracted the attention of Dongfangxian and others. Dongfangxian glanced at Xiao Chen, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes: "The peak of the quasi-sage, in just half a day, he broke through to the peak of the quasi-sage. It seems that this kid has gained a lot of benefits."

"Boy, what benefits have you gained in the Sacred Palace, hand it over, this Sect Master can show mercy and let you join the Storm Sacred Sect!" Dongfang Xian looked at Xiao Chen coldly.

Xiao Chen looked at Dongfang Xian and said lightly: "I did gain a lot of benefits in the Holy Palace, but why should I leave it to you?"

"If you don't hand it over, you only have a dead end." Dongfang Xian said coldly, his voice full of killing intent.

"Try the Profound Strength first." Xiao Chen stared at Dongfang Xian, a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

"Uranus: Shrunk the ground into an inch!" Xiao Chen's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and the next moment he appeared in front of Dongfang Xian, but Dongfang Xian still kept his eyes coldly looking at Xiao Chen, and did not notice Xiao Chen's arrival. Before you.

"Uranus: Hundred Cracking Beast Fist!" Xiao Chen punched out, and an indescribable force had already hit Dongfangxian's stomach. Dongfangxian's stomach hurt, and the whole person had already flown out.


Dongfangxian's figure flew out, and the other sub-sage strong still did not respond. It was not until the screams of Dongfangxian screamed that they attracted the attention of everyone. They looked at Xiao Chen at the original position of Dongfangxian with a confused expression. , I have no idea what happened.

"How is it possible, how could you hurt this sect?" At this moment, Dongfangxian's voice rang, and then everyone widened their eyes, looking at the blood on the corner of Dongfangxian's mouth, full of sluggishness. The Sect Master, the powerhouse of the Ashen Peak, was actually injured!

Then they looked at Xiao Chen, their eyes were full of horror. Could it be that he hurt him?

Xiao Chen looked at the blood on the corner of Dongfangxian's mouth and was also taken aback. He didn't expect that the Profound Strength could be so strong that it would wound Dongfangxian with just one punch. You must know that it was the pinnacle of the sub-sage!

However, Xiao Chen also knew that he had just made a sneak attack, and if Dongfang Xian was prepared, Xiao Chen might not be able to succeed.

"It seems that you have gained a lot of benefits in the Sacred Palace. What you just used should be the secret technique you obtained from the Sacred Palace, right?" Dongfangxian's expression turned gloomy after reacting from the shock.

In the next moment, Dongfangxian had already activated his domain power, and Xiao Chen appeared in Dongfangxian's storm domain.

"No matter what secret technique you have acquired in the holy palace, it will all belong to this sect!" Dongfang Xian said coldly, the voice fell, and countless wind blades had formed around him, slashing towards Xiao Chen.

"Profound meaning, shrink the ground to an inch!" Xiao Chen appeared in front of Dongfang Xian again, but the Hundred Cracking Beast Fist did not hit Dongfang Xian, and Dongfang Xian's figure appeared on Xiao Chen's left side, cutting out the wind blade again.

Xiao Chen once again shrank his ground to avoid Dongfangxian's attack.

"In the domain of this sect, this sect can't catch up with you. It seems that the secret technique you obtained in the holy palace is related to speed." Seeing Xiao Chen appearing on the other side, Dongfang Xian said coldly, but in her heart But she was extremely shocked, being able to perform at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage in her domain was comparable to her speed, I am afraid this secret technique is outrageously strong.

Xiao Chen didn't speak, and he consumed a lot of shrinking ground, and Dongfang Xian was not afraid of consumption at all, it would not be beneficial to him in the long run.

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