Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2062: Ready to kill!

"Poxi Zhao, Qianjiang, you still have the face to mention the master. It is simply shameless, but I tell you, you don't have to worry about the things on the master, because today is the death date of the two of you!" Mu Yun said coldly.

"Since you don't say it, then grab it, and torture you day and night, I don't believe you don't say it!" Qian Jiang said coldly. He didn't take Mu Yun's words to heart at all, and glanced behind him. Three people have already rushed out, rushing towards the three of Xiao Chen!

"Master, Qinglian, step back!" Xiao Chen took a step, set his posture, and cut it out with a single blow. A flame blade light instantly swallowed the three people, and there was no scum left!

"The pinnacle of the quasi-sage, Mu Yun is your trump card, but you are too underestimating the development of our two families." Qian Jiang said coldly, glanced at Xiao Chen, his expression a little disdainful.

"Master, it seems that there are behind the Qian family and Zhao family behind the scenes." Xiao Chen said through sound transmission.

"How to say?"

"I felt the breath of three sub-sage powers in Siliang Mountain, dozens of semi-sage powers, and there are even more quasi-sage powers, and Qianjiang and Zhao Poxi are just the weakest of the semi-sage powers. "Xiao Chen said through sound transmission.

"What, so many strong people?" Mu Yun was surprised. At the beginning, the Qian family, Qi family, and Zhao family were about the same strength. The strongest was a semi-sage strong, and Qian Jiang and Zhao Poxi were the two strongest geniuses. How can there be so many strong men who are stronger than them?

"Xiao Chen, are you sure?" Mu Yun asked in a voice.

"Don't worry, I haven't paid attention to the three inferior sub-sages." Xiao Chen said.

"Then do it directly." Mu Yun said, then looked at Qian Jiang and Zhao Poxi, and said coldly: "This is my apprentice Xiao Chen, and he is also the inheritor of the master. He will be the enemy of the master and the Qi family. Newspaper."

"Mu Yun, it seems that you are really loyal, so you can't wait to avenge Qi family and Qi Dabao? It is a pity that the person you are looking for is too weak. Someone is here." Zhao Poxi said lightly.

"Don't talk nonsense, just take them directly, the seed of the root of the wood must be obtained." Qian Jiang said coldly.

"Good!" Zhao Poxi nodded.

When the voice fell, three quasi-sage pinnacle powerhouses rushed towards Xiao Chen, and a thick sword intent came from these three.

Xiao Chen glanced at the three of them, and ignored them. Seven Star Wings flashed past and appeared in the crowd.

"Sigh of despair!"

The terrifying thunder power burst out in the crowd instantly, the Seven Star Wings flashed again, Xiao Chen reappeared in a crowded place, the storm's fury hit out, and several tornadoes formed instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the stars flashed, Xiao Chen changed positions again, Jiulong Chutian shot out, nine water dragons roared out, and then ice and fire lotus.

One sword surpasses the sky, one sword breaks the sky!

Suddenly, there was an explosion sound from Siliang Mountain, and then the three quasi-sage peak powerhouses and Qianjiang, Zhao Poxi turned around in an instant, and then they saw the thunder power, storm power, water dragon, explosion, sword light, sword light raging in the crowd.

In just an instant, it was no longer known how many disciples of the two families had died of unfaithfulness, among them many quasi-sage strong, and even quasi-sage peak powerhouse died.

"How could this be?" Qian Jiang and Zhao Poxi's eyes flashed shocked. Just when they were shocked, many more people died under Xiao Chen's.

"Death!" After Qian Jiang reacted, his face was full of murderous intent, and the domain power instantly surrounded Xiao Chen. The next moment, Xiao Chen appeared in a sword-filled domain.

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