Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2067: Seeing Tianjizi!

"Cang Hao, do it slowly!" At this moment, the dust-free youth suddenly spoke.

Upon hearing this, the young man turned his head and looked at the young man in doubt.

"Cang Hao, you can't do it!" The Tuochen Young Man said solemnly, looking at the young man.

"Why?" Cang Hao asked suspiciously.

The young man from the dust did not answer Cang Hao's question, but looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Xiao Chen, long time no see."

"Are you?" Xiao Chen frowned as he looked at the young man from the dust, and said after a while: "It turned out to be you, Tianjizi!"

The young man with a temperament and dust was turned out to be the Heavenly Secret Clan that Xiao Chen encountered in the God Realm. No wonder the Heavenly Secret Clan was not found in the God Realm, and he unexpectedly came to the Semi-Holy Realm.

"I didn't expect you to remember me. It's really an honor for me." Tianjizi smiled.

"The heavenly secret technique of the Tianji clan is extremely powerful, how could I have forgotten you, but what I didn't expect is that you can meet you in the semi-sacred realm. Could it be that your heavenly secrets have all come to the semi-sacred realm?"

Xiao Chen asked with a smile.

"I am the only one in the semi-sacred world, and the Tianji clan is not here." Tianjizi smiled.

"It's ridiculous that a trivial shattered world dare to be called a semi-sacred world." A woman sneered.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen glanced at the woman, and felt a little surprised. The Sacred Realm is the collective name of the Sacred Realm for such places as the Semi Sacred Realm. The Semi Sacred Realm does not call the place where he is in the Fragmented Realm. From the holy world.

Tianjizi didn't care, but looked at Xiao Chen with a smile.

"It turns out that this is the case. This is not a place to talk. After I completely solve the remnants of the Qian family and Zhao family, we will find a place to have a good chat." Xiao Chen said to Tianjizi.

"Xiao Chen, do you have to kill it?" Tian Jizi still asked with a smile.

"You must kill!" Xiao Chen said, his voice was full of earnestness. It was Master Mu Yun's only request to destroy these two families. No matter what happened, he must do it.

"I want to see how you kill them." At this moment, Cang Hao said lightly.

"Cang Hao, Canglong Palace is a famous power in the Holy Realm. There are countless peripheral forces like this. The relationship between Xiao Chen and me is pretty good. Whether you can look at my face or not, don't interfere in today's affairs." Tian The machine turned towards Cang Hao, and at the same time he glanced at Xiao Chen.

"What a joke, the Qian family and the Zhao family are forces of my Canglong Palace. If you watch them be destroyed and let the murderer get away with you, where can I put the face of my Canglong Palace!"

As soon as Tianjizi's voice fell, a woman already said angrily.

Tian Jizi ignored the woman's clamor and found that Xiao Chen's expression had not changed, his heart sank slightly, and then looked at Cang Hao, waiting for his answer.

Cang Hao frowned slightly, and said solemnly, "Brother Tianji, I can't agree to this matter."

"Hehe, if I were a disciple of the Heavenly Mystery Palace, I think you would agree to it, but unfortunately I'm just a peripheral force of the Heavenly Mystery Palace. It's normal for you not to give me face." Tian Jizi said with a faint smile.

"Since Brother Cang Hao doesn't give me face, it doesn't make sense for me to stay here. We are destined to see you again."

Before Cang Hao could speak, Tianjizi had already clawed his hands, then turned around and left without any muddle.

"Brother Tianji!" Cang Hao was taken aback, never expecting that Tianjizi would leave.

"It's just the peripheral forces of the Tianji Palace, pretending to be garlic." A woman said coldly.

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