Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2081: Natural passage!

"This is a very old tree, even older than the existence of the semi-sacred world, and its roots are huge and unfathomable."

Ke'er whispered, and the voice rang in everyone's ears: "Later with the formation of the semi-sacred world, the branches of this big tree appeared in the semi-sacred world, but the roots of the tree were in other broken worlds, that is, This big tree straddles two broken worlds, and as the big tree continues to age and wither, now the big tree has almost become dead wood, and this dead wood has become a natural passage."

"What, across two broken worlds!" Hearing this, Xiao Chen's eyes appeared shocked, while the other Saint Sect powerhouses were a little confused, they had never heard of this.

"Yes, it straddles two broken worlds, and the other broken world is the buried **** realm, which means that the outer demons of the buried **** realm have passed through this passage and directly penetrated into the semi-sacred realm!" the old woman continued.

"What, an extraterritorial evil demon has come in?" Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

"Why do you two know this? Only I should know this matter!" Mu Wan asked in a deep voice. This matter is a secret passed down from generation to generation by their sect master. Only she knows it, even if the other saint sect masters do not know.

"Because I am this tree!" the old woman said, her expression a bit complicated.

"What!" Upon hearing this, Mu Wan and Xiao Chen's faces showed shock again.

"But I'm dying, but my body will stay and become a channel connecting the burial of the gods and the semi-sacred realms." The old woman smiled bitterly. As long as she dies, the entire Qingmu Sect will collapse, and she doesn't know if she lives. For many years, even her body is not something that the sub-sage strong can destroy.

"You can think about my proposal to you!" Just then, Ke'er said lightly.

"I have lived for a long time, so why should I be greedy for this short time." The old woman said softly, and then came to Xiao Chen's side.

"Master, send her into the Celestial Star Territory!" Just then, Ke'er said through a voice.

Xiao Chen glanced at Ke'er and the old woman suspiciously, and then brought the old woman into the Celestial Star Domain.

"She is this sacred tree?" Mu Wan was shocked. The sacred tree was the root of the entire Qingmu Sage Sect. She had no idea that the Sacred Tree would have a sage, and it has always been in the Qingmu Sage Sect.

But at this moment, suddenly the branches and leaves above the sacred tree were broken by powerful force, and then a terrifying aura emerged. The next moment, a piece of figure emerged from the sacred tree. In the blink of an eye, the sky above the sacred tree was full. It's Sombra.

"Extraterritorial demon, prepare to fight!" After feeling this terrifying atmosphere, he immediately awakened Mu Wan, and then shouted loudly.

Xiao Chen looked at the overwhelming extraterritorial evil spirits, especially those powerful auras, Xiao Chen didn't have any fear, but became excited.

"There are so many extraterritorial demons, and most of them are monsters above the quasi-sage. This is going to happen."

Xiao Chen was a little excited.

The quasi-sage and semi-sage accounted for most of the extraterritorial demons in front of them, and there were many sub-sages.

And it's densely packed, I'm afraid it has already exceeded one hundred thousand. The most important thing is that there are constant extraterritorial demons appearing from the holy tree!

The lineup in front of him has made Mu Wan dignified to the extreme. In her perception, the strongest extraterritorial evil demon is the sub-sage intermediate level, but there are too many, even if she meets it, she has to flee.

And at this moment, a stronger aura suddenly spread from the ancient tree

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