Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2105: Abolish the arm!

Aoki Seongzong's courtyard.

Lei Hua tried to attack Xiao Chen one after another, which had completely angered Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen didn't keep his hands, and directly punched Lei Hua.

The next moment, Lei Hua flew back at a faster speed than the attack, accompanied by a sound of bone cracking.

"My arm!" Lei Hua screamed, lying on the ground, clutching his right arm, rolling constantly.

"What, Leihua's arm is scrapped!" Seeing this scene, those who watched the show looked shocked. The Young Sect Master of the Thunder Sect was actually scrapped. This is a big deal.

"Provoke Xiao Chen, you are unlucky!" Feng Yongzheng looked at Lei Hua, his face showing schadenfreude.

Xiao Chen is now a semi-sage sixth layer, with a strong physical body. Even if he does not use the power of profound meaning, he cannot be caught by Leihua. If Xiao Chen directly uses the Hundred Cracking Beast Fist, Leihua is probably more than just a broken arm.

"Young Sect Master!"

Several roars sounded, and several powerful men of the Thunder Sage came to Lei Hua's side one after another. When they saw that Lei Hua's entire right arm had been completely abolished, the eyes of these powerful men were immediately red, and their faces were full of killing intent. Kill Xiao Chen directly!

"Looking for death!" Peng Kong's face sank, and he said coldly. If Xiao Chen hadn't greeted him, with his temper, when Lei Hua made the shot before, Lei Hua was already a dead person, and now he saw them kill again without knowing it. Coming over, Peng Kong didn't keep his hands, a powerful aura spread, and these powerful men of the Thunder Saint Sect were all flew out, fell to the ground, spurted blood from their mouths, and were all seriously injured.

"What a strong aura, isn't it weaker than the Sect Master?" Feeling the strong aura on Peng Kong's body, the two sub-sage strong behind Feng Yongzheng showed shock.

"If I'm not mistaken, this mysterious powerhouse is based on Xiao Chen. In a short period of time, his cultivation has broken through to the semi-sage sixth level, and he is surrounded by sub-sage peak powerhouses, Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen, Who are you?" Feng Yongzheng murmured, his eyes full of shock.

"You actually abolished my right arm, my Thunder Saint Sect will definitely not let you go!" Lei Hua let out a roar, his eyes eager for blood.

"I have let you off twice, but you don't know how to advance or retreat. If it weren't for the face of Saint Thunder Sect, you would be a dead person now." Xiao Chen said coldly.

In the first and second attack, Xiao Chen looked at the face of the Qingmu Saint Sect and Thunder Saint Sect, but only let Pengkong shake them out. If it is an ordinary person, he will know that the other party has left his hand and will not be entangled, but Lei Hua did not repent, and continued to attack Xiao Chen, only to break his arm, Xiao Chen was already merciful.

"You dare to hurt me, you dare to hurt my Thunder Saint Sect powerhouse, no matter who you are, you can't escape death!" Lei Hua said angrily, and then a thunderbolt rose into the sky, forming a thunder mark in the sky.

"This is the assembling mark of the Thunder Sect. Does Lei Hua plan to summon the strong of the Thunder Sect to take revenge?"

"This person does not seem to belong to other Saint Sects. At this time, the great Saint Sect powerhouses are gathered together, and the Sect Master Lei Xie of the Thunder Saint Sect has the best face. I am afraid this matter will not be good today."

"As far as I know, this other courtyard is where Sacred Sect Aoki entertains distinguished guests. To live here, the identities of these two people are not ordinary. I don't know what Sacred Sect Aoki will do?"

Everyone looked at the Thunder Mark above their heads and talked a lot. At the same time, Mu Qing looked at the Thunder Mark with an ugly expression, and then explained to Xiao Chen.

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