Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2136: The truth of Faxiang!

Nie Yang's faint voice sounded, and Xiao Chen's face suddenly changed greatly. At this moment, a palm was already printed on his chest, and Xiao Chen's figure flew upside down like a comet, smashing several meteorites. Just stopped.

"Huh? I didn't die, my comprehension is good, my body is good, if it can give you a hundred years, maybe I can become the enemy of my Canglong Palace, but I won't give you a chance."

After Nie Yang felt that Xiao Chen's breath still existed, his eyes showed a hint of shock. His palm, not to mention the semi-sage, even if the sub-sage peak, it is impossible to follow.

However, he felt that Xiao Chen was only seriously injured, but not dead. This discovery made him more murderous towards Xiao Chen.

When the voice fell, another sharp sword glow emerged from his fingers. The difference from the previous one was that this sword glow was still sharp, but there was a billowing flame burning on the sword glow.

"Uranus: Ehin Destruction Sword!"

The Jian Mie Sword has the sharpness of the sword light and the temperature to burn everything, and it stabs Xiao Chen at an extremely fast speed.

Xiao Chen was inlaid in the stone wall, looking at the sword light coming at extremely fast, with a solemn color in his eyes. At this moment, a cyan figure stood in front of him, and a burning cyan wolf behind him faced the sword light. Suddenly caught!

In the next moment, the flame giant claw and the Jianmiejian abruptly collided in the starry sky.

At the time of the collision, the flames and sword glow swept out of the surroundings like a rising tide.

The horrible flames almost shone half of the starry sky. Although the powerhouses of the buried **** realm and the semi-sacred realm could not feel the terrible pressure, they saw this extremely dazzling scene.

After all the flames disappeared, Qing Emperor stood in front of Xiao Chen, with flames burning in his hands, looking at Nie Yang indifferently.

"How is it possible, another mid-sage." Nie Yang said in disbelief: "Even in the mid-sage, it is impossible to take over my Cinder Sword!"

"Qingdi, the power of the saint is far beyond my imagination, it seems that we need our cooperation!" Xiao Chen broke the stone wall, swallowed a few pills, and came to the Qingdi solemnly.

"It's a pity that the black bear is not here, otherwise the three of us can kill the enemy together." Qingdi said, thinking of the scene where the three of us killed the enemy together, he still missed it.

"No matter where the black bear is, I will definitely find him." Xiao Chen said.

Qingdi nodded, the next moment, he and Xiao Chen rushed towards Nie Yang at the same time!

"Jin Miejian can't kill you, then you try this trick!" After Nie Yang reacted, his face was a little ugly. In the later stage of his dignified sage, he failed to kill a semi-sage after using two tricks. Kind of the feeling of being beaten.

As his voice fell, a flame sword light appeared on his right hand, and a cold ice sword light appeared on his left hand. Nie Yang combined the two sword lights together to form a sword light half fire and half ice. .

"The Sword of Destruction in the right hand and the Sword of Ice in the left hand. The two combined into one is the Sword of Destruction. Accept the sanctions of the Sword of Destruction!"

When the voice fell, the Destroying Sword became a sword light covering half of the starry sky, and it was cut down at Xiao Chen and Qingdi. The entire starry sky was half ice and half fire, extremely strange.

"The true body of Faxiang!" The Qing Emperor roared, the next moment, behind him, a huge green wolf burning with a golden crown appeared again, and at the same time a shock wave began to spread in the starry sky.

"The true body of Faxiang? How is it possible that he is only in the middle stage of a sage, how can he condense the true body of Faxiang, who is this guy!"

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