Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2171: Cut one more person!

Xiao Chen didn't answer, but appeared in the sky above the middle-aged man. The Destroying Swords were formed. The terrifying destructive power once again shocked Jin Hongfeng and the others.

The Destruction Swords crashed down, and at this moment, Jin Hongfeng appeared in front of the middle-aged man, and also shot the Destruction Swords, two huge Destruction Swords collided in mid-air.

The aftermath of the collision between the two directly shook both sides away. After everything was calm, Jin Hongfeng and the four looked at Xiao Chen with fear in their eyes.

"Not only was the Blue Dragon born, but you could also destroy the Double Sword, kid, who are you?" Jin Hongfeng asked in a deep voice.

"Thirteen of Qingsheng's direct disciples!"

Xiao Chen stood holding a sword, his face full of majesty, which gave Jin Hongfeng and the others a feeling, as if standing in front of them was not a semi-holy, but a saint who was perfect and powerful.

"We remembered you!" Jin Hongfeng's face was like ice, and his voice was like the cold wind of the twelfth lunar month: "Although you have a strong combat power, you have many secrets, but you are only a semi-sage strong after all. After using two tricks, your body How much holy power is there?"

"You are right, I am only half-sage after all, and there is not much sacred power left in my body, but it is still possible to perform a trick!"

Xiao Chen said that regardless of the destruction of the double sword or the birth of the blue dragon, its power is enormous, and its ability to fight against the profound meaning of the saint's later stage is also sufficient to explain this.

But in the same way, its consumption is huge, and it is not comparable to shrinking the ground.

The four of Jin Hongfeng looked at Xiao Chen, with murderous intent in their eyes. They wanted to kill Xiao Chen immediately, without delaying every second.

Immediately afterwards, the four of them looked at each other and rushed towards Xiao Chen.


And just as they moved, there was a wave of fluctuations from the sword in Xiao Chen's hand, and then a purple thunder appeared on the sword, an abnormal wave of fluctuations from the sword.

"This is the Seventh-Rank Sacred Artifact!" Jin Hongfeng yelled, shocked in his heart, and at the same time a nervous and uneasy mood haunted him.


Xiao Chen said word by word, his voice seemed to come from Jiuyou, and the four of them changed their faces and hurriedly arranged defenses in front of them.

And just as their defense was set up, a huge long sword formed by black thunder had directly pierced their defense, and the next moment, all four of them flew out.

At the same time, Xiao Chen's mind sounded a system prompt.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for leveling up. At present, Yasheng First Heavy!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for leveling up, now Yasheng Duo!"

"Is it only two levels higher? It requires too much experience, right?" Xiao Chen complained in his heart.

The Ben Lei Sword is a Seventh-Rank Sacred Artifact. It is unimaginable in its power with the Profound Righteous Sword Ben Lei. Moreover, Xiao Chen focused on taking care of the injured middle-aged man. Among the four, only the middle-aged person died. The sword rushes under the thunder.

If Xiao Chen's strength were stronger, perhaps all four of them would die under this sword, but now, they might not feel well.

At this moment, above Xiao Chen's head, a huge palm print suddenly appeared, passing directly through the chaotic domain, without any slowing down, and patted Xiao Chen.

"Did the people behind the scene finally do it?" Xiao Chen's expression sank. Under the pressure of this huge palm print, Xiao Chen could not move at all. When Xiao Chen wanted to call out the Black Emperor, suddenly a special force hit the giant. Palm.

Then Xiao Chen discovered that the entire giant palm had begun to shrink and his strength began to weaken. When he came to the top of Xiao Chen's head, he had only the power of the early power of the saint.

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