Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2189: Dark King!

Pei Siyan ignored Du Teng's trio and walked down the mountain with Xiao Chen.

A breeze blew by, and the air was embarrassing.

The three of Du Teng stayed in place, unable to react at all. Pei Siyan would choose to abandon their three saints for the sake of a sub-sage boy, which made them feel a great humiliation in their hearts.

"Du Teng, what shall we do?" A young man asked, looking at the weird eyes of the surrounding disciples.

"Let's go to Senior Brother Xingshang. Senior Brother Xingshang is interesting to Pei Siyan. If you let him know that Pei Siyan and a man go out alone, he will definitely be furious. Even if Pei Siyan stops him, the kid will undoubtedly die."

Du Teng said gloomily, his eyes full of sullen colors, no one dared to touch Pei Siyan's position in Qingsheng Palace, but Xiao Chen was only an inner disciple, and their anger could naturally only be sent to Xiao Chen.

"Okay!" The other two nodded, and then left.


"We are going to a secondary planet Dark King this time. The scouts of Qingsheng Palace found Pan Mu's trail on Dark King. Our target this time is him."

On the way, Pei Siyan introduced the details of this mission to Xiao Chen.

"Pan Mu used to be a direct disciple of my Qingsheng Palace, but then he betrayed the teacher, and at the same time killed many direct disciples and escaped."

"Pan Mu has a saint's later cultivation base, and has won a lot of party members over the years. In addition, the dark king is mixed with fish and dragons, and various forces have strong stations. We must act carefully."

Pei Siyan said solemnly.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen nodded.

Xiao Chen originally planned to accept the reward quest, because the reward quest points are high, the key is to upgrade through killing monsters.

But he did not expect that Pei Siyan would actively invite him, and he had to go.

Xiao Chen and Pei Siyan walked together and caused quite a stir in the Qingsheng Palace. Most of the disciples knew Pei Siyan, and after discovering that she was walking with a sub-sage, they all looked at Xiao Chen with surprise and envy. , And gloating.

Pei Siyan had obviously adapted to this situation, but there was not much change on her face. She glanced at Xiao Chen and found that Xiao Chen's face was equally calm, she was slightly surprised.

The two quickly left the Qingsheng Palace and headed towards Dark King Star.

Dark King is a second-level planet, very famous in the entire nine-star domain, even more famous than some third-level planets, because there is a mysterious powerhouse on Dark King named Dark King.

The cultivation base of the Dark King is unknown, but it is said that even great forces such as Qingsheng Palace are unwilling to provoke the Dark King. There are rumors that the Dark King is at least a manifestation of the cultivation base.

There are many legends about the Dark King, but there is very little known about the Dark King, and I don't even know whether the Dark King is male or female, or whether it is young or old.

Although the Dark King is sitting on the Dark King, the Dark King never interferes with the Dark King's affairs. Therefore, the Dark King is chaotic and constantly conquered, and it has become the favorite place of some desperadoes.

After three days, Xiao Chen and Pei Siyan stepped into the range of Dark King Star, and after another day, they stepped into Dark King City.

Dark King City is the central hub of Dark King, and it is also the gathering place of all Dark Kings forces.

At this time, Pei Siyan dressed up in disguise and turned into a rough man, walking with Xiao Chen on the streets of Dark King City.

Xiao Chen's first feeling when he stepped into Dark King was evil!

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