Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2199: The power of the Seven Profound Gang!

Hearing this, the expressions of the three changed, and finally they chose to beg for mercy.

Xiao Chen stamped his mark on the three holy souls, asking them to rectify their forces, and under the leadership of Fang Liu, the two of Xiao Chen came to the gang he created, the Gang of Three and Six.

It didn't take long for Xiao Chen to sit on the main seat in the discussion hall of the 36th Gang, Qingzhong stood respectfully on the side, and Fang Liu and others stood respectfully in front of Xiao Chen.

"I plan to destroy the Seven Profound Gang, and you can tell everything you know about the Seven Profound Gang." Xiao Chen said straightforwardly.

Hearing this, Fang Liu and the others' complexions changed drastically. They looked at Xiao Chen in disbelief, and they wanted to destroy the Seven Profound Gang. This was going against the sky.

"Young Master, is it that Qingsheng Palace is ready to take action against the Seven Profound Gang?" Fang Liu asked with some doubts after reacting. With Xiao Chen's permission, Fang Liu already knew the identity of Xiao Chen's personal disciple.

"No, it was only my decision to deal with the Seven Profound Gang, and only a few of us made the shots." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Ah!" Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Fang Liu and the others were all stupid in place. Just a few of them wanted to do something against the Seven Profound Gang. This was all about hitting an egg against a rock, and there was only one end, and that was fragmentation.

"Young master, the strength of the Seven Profound Clan is far beyond your imagination. The leader of the gang is a sage with Dzogchen cultivation base. There are five deputy gang leaders, all of whom are sages with a perfect cultivation base. In addition, there are twenty-six guards and guards. In the late sage period, as for the mid-sage powerhouse, at least hundreds."

"The Seven Profound Clan also has many guest officials. These guest officials come from various forces, and their strength should not be underestimated."

"In addition, the Seven Profound Gang has many affiliated gangs, and the strength of each gang is no less than the strength of our four gangs after the alliance."

Fang Liu said solemnly.

"I'm going, it's so strong!" Xiao Chen lost his voice when he heard the words, his eyes flashed with shock, but his heart was uncontrollable and excited.


The four hurriedly nodded their heads like garlic, they wanted to dispel Xiao Chen's idea of ​​moving the Seven Profound Gang.

"As far as I know, there are still several forces like the Seven Profound Gang. Doesn't that mean that the strength of the entire Dark King is not weaker than the Qingsheng Palace." Xiao Chen said in surprise.

"If you don't care about the powerful man, it is true. After all, the Dark King City is a gathering place for all kinds of three religions and nine talents." Fang Liu nodded.

"So Young Master, the Seven Profound Gang is really strong, and it's best not to provoke it before it is full of wings."

Fang Liu solemnly persuaded.

"I'm afraid it's too late, I have already destroyed a small group of the Seven Profound Clan." Xiao Chen said.

"Ah!" After hearing this, the four faces changed again. They found that they had been in the Dark King City for so long, and they had never been like this before.

"It's all to blame the old slave!" Qingzhong said complicatedly, and then the matter was repeated.

After listening, Fang Liu was good to say that the other three looked at each other, feeling that the coffee table was full of cups. If they didn't turn to Xiao Chen, they would die immediately, but now Xiao Chen offended the Seven Profound Gang.

With the Seven Profound Gang acting style, they will definitely get revenge. Thinking of the horror of the Seven Profound Gang, their future is dim!

"You send someone out to pay close attention to the movement of the Seven Profound Gang. In addition, give me a copy of the information about the affiliated gangs of the Seven Profound Gang." Xiao Chen said.

"Yes!" Fang Liu and the others gave a wry smile, then retreated.

And Xiao Chen entered the World of War Soul with the resources handed in by the four.

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