Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2276: The shock of the disciples of the Sihai Gang!

Pan Feng said with a smile, and wanted to withdraw from the law protector.

"Hold on." Yuan Zhen stood up and said lightly: "My son needs to know who is coming."

Pan Feng's expression changed, and then he looked at the law protector and reprimanded: "What are you doing in a daze, don't you hurry back to the words of Master Yuan Zhen."

"Yes...Yes.." The law protector also reacted and hurriedly said: "It is Sect Master Xiao Chen of the Sky Star Sect!

"Xiao Chen of the Sky Star Sect, who is this person, why have you never heard of it?" Yuan Zhen's face was puzzled, and then he glanced at the few people behind him, but saw that several of them shook their heads at the same time, apparently never listening. Said.

"Xiao Chen of the Sky Star Sect, I am afraid it is only a small force. The Gang of Four Seas should be seeking cooperation. I immediately sent someone to dismiss the young masters."

Pan Feng smiled, and then looked at the protector: "Go and send him away."

"Helper, the other party belongs to the Dark King City." The law protector gritted his teeth.

"What about the Dark King City." Pan Feng waved his hand, just about to say something, then he seemed to think of something, and lost his voice: "What are you talking about! You said the person is the Dark King City Sect Master Xiao Chen?"

"Yes!" The law protector nodded, his eyes full of solemnity.

"Where is he, take me there!" Pan Feng hurriedly said.

"Helper, please come with me!" the law protector said, and then led Pan Feng to leave in a hurry, without even having time to talk to a few young talents from the Yuan family.

All of Yuan Zhen's faces were a bit unsightly, and a young man said, "Who is it that actually made Pan Feng leave Big Brother Yuanzhen to see him."

"That is, this Pan Feng is getting worse and worse. Without our Yuan family, he would be a thing!"

"Let's go and see, I want to see who it is, it turned out to be more face than Yuan Zhen." Yuan Zhen's expression was a bit ugly, said coldly, and then followed Pan Feng.

In the Manor of the Four Seas Gang, Xiao Chen stood lightly, and several guardians surrounded him, staring at Xiao Chen to prevent him from escaping.

At this moment, they saw Pan Feng rushing to this side. Pan Feng glanced around and immediately saw Xiao Chen in the compound. He hurried forward and said, "Sect Master Xiao is coming here. Yuan Ying, it's really a sin."

"This must be the leader of the Four Seas Gang, Pan Feng, Xiao Chen has seen the leader of the Pan!" Xiao Chen arched his hands.

"I have heard about the name of Sect Master Xiao a long time ago. It's better to hear about it. Sect Master Xiao is so young, he is really a hero." Pan Feng praised.

"Leader Pan is polite."

"Sect Master Xiao, let's go inside and talk, please here!" Pan Feng smiled. Just as soon as he turned around, Pan Feng saw Yuan Zhen and the others, his face changed in an instant, slightly ugly.

"Pan Feng, this is the big man in your mouth, I don't think there is anything great?" Yuan Zhen said lightly.

"Isn't there anything great? Isn't this just the waste of a sub-sage peak?"

"Pan Feng, did you leave us to welcome this waste?"

Yuan Zhen and several Yuan family youth glanced at Xiao Chen, and then they spoke.

The disciples of the Sea Gang on Thursday saw Pan Feng's attitude towards Xiao Chen, their eyes were full of shock. They wondered how Pan Feng would be so polite to a sub-sage kid.

At this moment, after seeing several Yuan family youths, he was even more shocked. Pan Feng actually left Yuan family Tianjiao behind and came to see Xiao Chen. What is the identity of this kid in front of him? Pan Feng did not hesitate to offend several Yuan Family Tianjiao, but also came to meet him.

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