Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2310: Personal disciples gather together!

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen sent a message to Luo Yan and asked her to persuade Chen Qing and the others to join the Sky Star Sect, but Luo Yan simply ordered Chen Qing and them to join the Sky Star Sect!

The next day, Xiao Chen sat in the seat of the sect master in the discussion hall of the Star Sect. The four disciples of Shen Yuluoyan stood beside him. The sages of the Star Sect gathered together, and Chen Qing and others were all present. .

"Today this sect gathered everyone together. It was an announcement that this sect decided to let the Heavenly Star Sect rule over the entire Nine Stars Territory. This sect will conquer the entire Nine Stars Territory by force and bring all the planets under the banner of the Sky Star Sect.

As Xiao Chen's voice sounded, all the faces instantly showed excitement.

"Qingsheng Palace, Canglong Palace, and Shanshan Palace will solve it personally. You will bring people and expand your power around the dark king star. Is there a problem?"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

"Lin Yuan, you are responsible for guarding the Dark King. Others immediately set out to prepare, but remember, don't make killings, otherwise the rules will deal with them!" Xiao Chen said solemnly.

"Follow the orders of the Sect Master!" Everyone retreated, including Xiao Chen's four apprentices, and soon only Xiao Chen and Lin Yuan were left in the hall.

"You teach the layout of the Protector's Great Array and the Teleportation Array to others. Every time you occupy a planet, you will arrange it. If you encounter the Sihaigang, don't do it first, understand?" Xiao Chen looked at it. Road to Lin Yuan.

"Yes, Sect Master!" Lin Yuan respectfully said.

"Well, let's go." Xiao Chen nodded, and Lin Yuan retreated. Then Xiao Chen's body flashed, and the person disappeared.

Xiao Chen flew with all his strength. One day later, he had already arrived on the planet where the Qingsheng Palace was located. Xiao Chen directly broke into the Qingsheng Palace and headed towards Qingci Mountain.

The strongest in the entire Qingsheng Palace is the ancestor Qingci, as long as she is taken down, everyone else is easy to say.

When Xiao Chen landed on Qingci Mountain, he found that there were many disciples around Qingci Mountain. They all looked up at the mountain, and their eyes even showed respect from time to time.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly. Isn't Qingci Mountain a forbidden place? How could it be surrounded by so many people, and then he fell directly at the foot of the mountain and walked to a disciple.

"This brother, isn't Qingci Mountain a forbidden land? How come there are so many people?" Xiao Chen asked.

This disciple was obviously a direct disciple, possessing the initial cultivation base of the saint. When he saw that Xiao Chen was also an early saint, his unhappy expression disappeared, and then said: "This junior, you just returned To Qingsheng Palace?"

"Well, I just came back from a task." Xiao Chen said.

"No wonder you don't know." The disciple suddenly said, and then his face was full of mystery: "I tell you, the other personal disciples of the palace master have returned, and now all the 12 personal disciples are in Qingci Mountain. It was to see the twelve direct disciples gathered here."

"All the disciples of the Palace Master's direct reports are back?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise.

"Yes, all the twelve disciples of the palace lord have returned. Now Qingcishan is hosting a banquet, and all the mountain powerhouses have gone." The disciple said excitedly.

"So that's it." Xiao Chen said, it seems that Qingsheng has summoned all his disciples back in order to deal with the pilgrimage battle.

In the next moment, Xiao Chen's figure had disappeared.

"This junior, let me tell you..." This disciple just wanted to say something, but found that Xiao Chen by his side was no longer visible, with a look of doubt on his face: "What about people?"

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