Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2331: Xingsha tempered!

Xiao Chen said in his heart that just when he had just walked out of the Nine Star Territory, the system actually triggered a mission, and the name of the mission was Xingsha Tempering Body.

"Brother Tang Xu, I plan to go to the ethereal Xinghai and try the Xingsha to refine the flesh. Why don't you take the teleportation array to the Haotian Star Territory first." Xiao Chen looked at Tang Xu.

"Are you going to the Misty Xinghai?" Tang Xu was taken aback, and then hurriedly said: "Xiao Chen, are you sure? This Misty Xinghai is not only a crisis of Xingsha, but also many unknown crises. Strength, there is absolutely no need to take this risk."

"Yes, brother, it is said that there were once true saints who died in the misty Xinghai, and even a large army disappeared in the misty Xinghai. It is very dangerous there, you must not go." Chu Yun also persuaded.

"Yes, Misty Xinghai is very dangerous. It is said that there is a mysterious star beast in Misty Xinghai. This kind of star beast is extremely powerful. Even if you have powerful strength, it is not necessarily safe." Chen Qing also persuaded.

"Safe?" Xiao Chen said with a smile: "The cultivator goes against the sky. Where is the safety? I have decided. You can wait for me in the Vast Sky Star Territory."

"This...!" Everyone looked at each other.

Seeing Xiao Chen with a firm attitude, everyone sighed, and then Tang Xu, Chu Yun, and Chen Qing handed over their addresses to Xiao Chen and parted ways.

Tang Xu and the others moved towards the teleportation formation, while Xiao Chen continued to move forward with the battleship.

Xiao Chen stared at the dark starry sky around him. He didn't know how many hours he had walked. Suddenly a little starlight appeared in front of him. The more he walked forward, the more starlight, and soon Xiao Chen discovered a galaxy as magnificent as the Milky Way.

It's just that these bright spots are not stars, but small gravels emitting starlight.

"Are these the star sands?" The galaxy in front of him was very beautiful, like fireflies covering the sky, but Xiao Chen knew that under this beautiful galaxy, there was a hidden crisis.

Xiao Chen took a look, put the battleship away, and then stepped into the galaxy. When Xiao Chen stepped into the galaxy, some star sand fell on Xiao Chen. Suddenly, Xiao Chen felt like a sharp blade was piercing him. The skin is average.

Xiao Chen looked at these star sands. These star sands were floating in the galaxy and looked like they were still, but if they touched a person, it would be like being hit by a cannonball.

"Ding! Discover the power of the stars, do you absorb the power of the stars?"

"There is the power of stars in these star sands?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise.

"The power of the stars can increase the strength of the sacred bones, increase the strength of the Seven Star Wings, and increase the strength of the Galaxy Blade. Will the player absorb it?"

The system continued, obviously not wanting to answer Xiao Chen's idiot question.

"Forget it, start to absorb." Xiao Chen said.

When the words fell, Xiao Chen noticed that the surrounding star sands suddenly rushed towards him. In the blink of an eye, these star sands had drowned him, and suddenly Xiao Chen felt like being shot by a thousand arrows.

At the same time, he felt a force pouring into his body, heading towards his holy bones, while the star sands that had lost their starlight turned into dust and floated out.

Stars fell on Xiao Chen all the time, and Xiao Chen felt an arrow hitting him all the time. This kind of pain was not something ordinary people could bear.

Xiao Chen closed his eyes tightly, and this situation continued. At this time, Xiao Chen was like a light, and the star sands around him were like fireflies, constantly gathering towards him.

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