Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2415: Why not dare!

Thinking of this, his heart sank slightly, and then he looked at the thousand demon heads above Xiao Chen's back. These are all true sage high-level powerhouses. With such a powerful lineup, the true sage powerhouses of their Chang family simply cannot resist. Live, even if you add the little sage strong, at most it is just a tie.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the audience again. Now the Tianjiao of his Chang family seems to have become twins. If there is a melee, they may not be able to tell which is true and which is false. If they are injured by mistake, or by them Injuries, for the Chang family, will fall into an era of nowhere, and it will be a very heavy blow to the Chang family.

"This battle cannot be fought, otherwise, whether it is winning or winning, it will be a major blow to my Chang family."

The ancestor Chang Mu made a decision in his heart, and then looked at Xiao Chen and said coldly: "Junior, I didn't expect that you can summon such a powerful force, but even if you have such a powerful force, you will not Dare to kill my Chang family."

"Why don't you dare?" Xiao Chen said coldly.

"Although my Chang family is only a small family in the Intermediate Star Territory, what stands behind us is the Chang family, one of the ten saints, and there is a covenant between the ten saints. If our Chang family is destroyed, not only The Chang family, one of the ten saint races, will hunt you down, and the other nine saint races will also chase you down together. At that time, the entire holy world will have no place for you."

The ancestor Chang Mu said loudly, his voice full of threats.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen's face became dark.

Seeing this, the ancestor Chang Mu smiled and said, "Aren't there people from the Chen family around you? If you don't believe it, you can ask them."

"Xiao Chen, the ten saints do have a covenant. If they have personal grievances, the ten saints will not care, but if it is a large-scale massacre, the ten saints will take action together, even if only one of the weakest branches is destroyed. ."

Chen Guang said solemnly to Xiao Chen.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen squinted slightly and looked at Old Ancestor Chang Mu and said, "You intend to use this to scare me away. Unfortunately, you have miscalculated. Xiao Chen has never been afraid of threats. I still said that. Let Chang Kun apologize to my apprentice, or I will destroy your Chang family!"

"Do you really dare to do something to my Chang family?" Old Ancestor Chang Mu said gloomily.

"You can try. I dare not. After destroying your Chang family, maybe we will be chased by the ten saints and there is no way to escape, but whether it is you or other people in your Chang family, they have already seen it. Gone."

Xiao Chen said lightly, his face was extremely calm, not even fluctuating, calm and terrifying.

The ancestor Chang Mu stared at Xiao Chen, even cold sweat oozes out of his forehead. For many years, he has never been so uncomfortable. He really doesn't understand whether Xiao Chen is serious or just pretending. Are there anyone who is not afraid of the top ten saints?

Not only him, but even if Chen Guang and others looked at Xiao Chen, they were full of puzzlement and shock, and even some fear, so threatening the Chang family and causing the Chang family ancestors to ooze cold sweat, I am afraid that he is the only one in this world. , They also wondered if they hadn't let Luo Yan sit on the position of Patriarch in the Chen family as agreed, would they also face such a choice.

The ancestor Chang Mu was in a dilemma. After a while, he gritted his teeth and stared at Xiao Chen and said, "I don't believe it, you dare to do something to my Chang family."

"Shen Yuluoyan, start the Misty World, Jingjing World, everyone in the Chang family will not stay."

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