Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2420: The purpose of Xia Yun!

In the battle spirit world, Xiao Chen looked at the two shadow puppets with satisfaction, and then his mind sank into the system and began to refine the Haotian Star Field star core he obtained.

In the outside world, Xiao Chen had already released all the disciples of the Demon Demon Abyss Trial. At this time, they looked at Xia Yun, and they were all worshipping.

"Xia Yun, this doesn't seem like you." Shangguan Zhirou looked at Xia Yun indifferently. Although there are rumors that Xia Yun has thousands of beautiful men and eats all men and women, but in fact Xia Yun is a clean and self-conscious woman. Shangguan Zhirou knew best.

"Are you talking about my attitude towards Xiao Chen?" Xia Yun said with a smile.

Shangguan Zhirou nodded.

"Then I ask you, why are you following him?" Xia Yun asked.

"Yeah." Shangguan Zhirou thought for a while, and then said: "How can I say, although I am the first arrogant of the Shangguan family, in the Shangguan family I feel only indifference. By staying with him, I feel like I am Alive."

"This is the sorrow of being born in a big family, and if we want to change everything, we can only become stronger." Xia Yun said.

"The ten saints are getting more and more decayed. Although the time between me and Xiao Chen is not long, he can always surprise me. Maybe he can break the pattern of the holy world."

"I didn't expect you to be so optimistic about him." Xia Yun smiled.

"What about you, why are you staying? I understand your ambitions. It is absolutely impossible for you to stop because of a man." Shangguan Zhirou asked.

"You should also know about my affairs. You should also know why I have achieved my current achievements." Xia Yun said.

"You mean the mysterious inheritance you got when you were a kid?" Shangguan Zhirou, in fact, when Xia Yun was sent to the Central Continent to practice, her talent was in a mess. At that time, she was bullied by various peers. It was Shangguan Zhirou who protected her. Therefore, the friendship between the two was established, but one day later, Xia Yun had a dream and gained a heritage. Her strength improved by leaps and bounds, and she surpassed her peers in one fell swoop, which caused quite a shock.

And only Shangguan Zhirou knew about this.

"Yeah." Xia Yun nodded.

"I can't figure out what this matter has to do with Xiao Chen?" Shangguan Zhirou was even more confused.

"Actually, I can't figure it out, but this inheritance has an inexplicable relationship with Xiao Chen, so I decided to stay with him and want to find out." Xia Yun said.

"It has something to do with Xiao Chen? Why is this?" Shangguan Zhirou said in confusion.

"I don't know, but I will find out one day." Xia Yun shook her head.

"Well, in fact, Xiao Chen is very easy to get along with." Shangguan Zhirou nodded, then pulled Xia Yun to introduce Xiao Chen's character, and Xia Yun nodded from time to time.

Xiao Chen naturally didn't know all of this. At this time, he was constantly refining the star core of the Haotian Star Territory, but the Haotian Star Territory was an intermediate star region after all, and the refining was much slower than the Nine Star Territory.

It wasn't until half a month later that Xiao Chen walked out of the world of battle spirits, and at this time the battleship had entered the jurisdiction of the Chu family.

"Brother Yi, I want to go back to the Chu family." Chu Yun brought Qing Lao Shui Lao to Xiao Chen and said.

"Do you want to go back to Chu's house? Let's let Qing Xiao accompany you on a trip, and also take Chu Yin back."

Xiao Chen said that after Chu Yin was defeated in the Nine Star Territory, Xiao Chen had been imprisoned in the Celestial Star Territory.

Chu Yun looked at Xiao Chen, a little hesitant to say something, she actually wanted Xiao Chen to accompany her, but apparently Xiao Chen didn't mean that, so she thanked her helplessly and prepared to leave with Qing Xiao.

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