Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2423: No air space!

"Say, what conditions did Qingluan and Duanmu family achieve?" Xiao Chen asked.

"We are just ordinary members of the Duanmu family, how can we know this kind of secrets." The stern middle-aged sneered.

"Since I don't know, that means you are useless at all, and there is no need to keep you." Xiao Chen said coldly, with a sudden intent in his eyes.

"Wait, we belong to the Duanmu family, one of the top ten high-level star regions, and the Duanmu star region of the Duanmu family. If you kill us, the Duanmu family will not let you go." Bai Jing middle-aged shouted.

Xiao Chen ignored it at all, just raised the knife high, ready to fall at any time.

"Wait, Miss Qingluan promised to be a dowry maid in the clan and marry with Missy!"

Seeing Xiao Chen's oil and salt not getting in, Bai Jing middle-aged hurriedly said.

"Doorma maid?" Xiao Chen frowned.

"Yes, I heard that the person whom the eldest married has a special hobby and loves torturing people. Miss Qingluan is tortured for the eldest." The sulky middle-aged man added.


Upon hearing this, both Xiao Chen and Wu Yang were shocked, and then their faces instantly cooled down, and their eyes were full of killing intent.

"Sect Master, we must find a way to save Qingluan!" Wu Yang looked at Xiao Chen anxiously.

"Don't worry, this sect will definitely rescue Qingluan." Xiao Chen said in a deep voice. When he first came to the Nine Star Territory, he was taken care of by Qingluan a lot. Now that he knew about this, he naturally couldn't Regardless of.

"Do you know when they got married?"

"Three months later." Baijing middle-aged humane.

"Three months later?" Xiao Chen murmured, then looked at the two men and said: "You should be sent by the Duanmu family to kill Wu Yang."

"Don't get me wrong, we actually took this task deliberately, because we were deliberately let go of Miss Qingluan's life, otherwise with the strength of the two of us, he would not be able to get out of the Duanju Star Territory at all."

The middle-aged Bai Jing looked at the killing intent in Xiao Chen's eyes and said hurriedly.

"That's it, and you ask him, have we hurt him for so long?" The vicious middle-aged also hurriedly said.

Xiao Chen looked at Wu Yang, and Wu Yang nodded.

Xiao Chen looked back at the two of them, frowned slightly, and then said: "This sect will believe you once, but you should stay with this sect first and don't have any thoughts, otherwise, this sect will kill you personally. "

"Yes Yes!"

The two hurriedly nodded, they finally cultivated to the little saint strong, naturally they didn't want to die, only if they were alive would they have a chance.

"Wu Yang, Benzong will send you to a place to practice first, and after going to the Duanmu Star Region, I will let you do it." Xiao Chen then looked at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang nodded.

Xiao Chen nodded and waved his big hand, Wu Yang had disappeared, and then grabbed the two of them, and the next moment, they had returned to the battleship.

When Xiao Chen appeared on the battleship, Xia Yun and Shangguan Zhirou looked over instantly.

"Xiao Chen, where have you been? Why did you bring back two little sage experts just after you left?" Xia Yun asked immediately.

"It's nothing, I did a little thing, and there are two of them, the prisoners I captured. You can call them at will. If they dare not listen, I will kill them." Xiao Chen said casually.

"You caught two little saints?" Shangguan Zhirou said in surprise.

"Yeah." Xiao Chen nodded.

"Your strength has improved too quickly." Shangguan Zhirou slapped her tongue. How long has it been before the little saint powerhouse said that he was arrested, and he even took others prisoners. This is too abnormal.

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