Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2433: I don't want to make friends with you!

Although Xiao Chen also knows that even twins, there are examples of water and fire constitutions, but such examples are rare, and Xiao Chen doesn't believe he is so lucky.

The system directly ignored Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was speechless, and then looked at a place next to the two girls, walked over and said: "Two beauties, do you mind if I sit here?"

Suddenly heard the sound, the few people on the table looked up in amazement and looked at Xiao Chen. Before a few people could speak, Xiao Chen had already done it. He looked at the twin girls carefully and said: "I didn't expect to meet A pair of twin beauties, really lucky, how do you call the two beauties?"


Being stared straight at by Xiao Chen, the two young girls lowered their heads a little shyly, and did not answer Xiao Chen's words, while the others on the table, especially the male ones, were angry. An unknown kid hooked up as soon as he came up. Such a beautiful girl, knowing that this is their prey, how can they bear it?

"Boy, who are you, who allowed you to sit here?"

"This time Miss Xia Yun summoned Tianjiao, and a true sage Yizhong also came to recharge. Some people are too unaware of it."


The three young people on the table opened their mouths one after another. They glanced at Xiao Chen and found that they didn't know each other, then glanced at Xiao Chen's cultivation base, and found that there was only one true sage, and they became even more merciless.

"Two beauties, just tell me your names. I just want to make friends with you. I have no other ideas." Xiao Chen ignored the three young people at all, just watched the two girls and continued.

Seeing this, the three young people were furious. One young man stood up immediately and wanted to beat Xiao Chen, but was held back by a young man beside him, and said in a low voice: "This is Miss Xia Yun's place, don't mess around. "

The young man gritted his teeth, then stared at Xiao Chen fiercely, and said gloomily: "Boy, who are you and which force is there, tell us?"

Xiao Chen still ignored him, just looking at the two young girls. When Xiao Chen looked at him like this, one of the young girls finally couldn't help but raised his head and glanced at Xiao Chen and said, "We don't want to make friends with you."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's smiling expression became stiff, while the other angry young people laughed, and then looked at Xiao Chen with contempt.

"Boy, they don't want to make friends with you, so they don't hurry up."

"That is, the cultivation base is not high, and the face is rather thick. If I were you, I would never come here."

"It's really ignorant that I want to come and cling to Miss Xia Yun."

Xiao Chen looked embarrassed. He didn't pay attention to the clamor of the three. He just looked at the two girls and continued: "I'm not a bad person. I really want to make friends with you."

At this moment, another young girl also raised her head and looked at Xiao Chen and said, "We are loyal admirers of Miss Xia Yun. If you can let Miss Xia Yun talk to us a few more words, or hold a hand Hand, we will tell you our name, and can consider making friends with you, of course just ordinary friends."

"It turns out that you two are fans of Xia Yun, this is simple, don't say a few words, even if it's a hug, I can help you do it." Xiao Chen said.

When Xiao Chen's voice fell, it immediately drew other people's eyes and ridicule on the table, and even Tianjiao on other tables nearby also cast his eyes.

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