Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2438: conflict!

"Boy, you know you are afraid now, but unfortunately it's too late?" Gu Wei sneered.

"I'm not afraid, but if you do this, it will cause a lot of trouble to Qingshan Villa." Xiao Chen said.

"It's up to you, how much trouble the sacred ants can bring, but your kid does have a bit of ability, but there are more people in Qingshan Villa than me, so you just wait to die!"

Gu Wei said coldly, and as soon as his voice fell, many Qingshan Villa disciples had already fallen.

"It was he who made trouble and killed him!" After seeing the people, Gu Wei immediately pointed at Xiao Chen and said coldly.


"Hey, there is no need to fight and kill." Xiao Chen said.

The disciples of Qingshan Villa ignored them at all and directly attacked Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen used the Seven Star Wings to dodge and did not fight back. Xia Yun was here to entertain the Azure Star Territory Tianjiao, in order to save Qingluan. If he made trouble here, he would not look pretty.

"You Qingshan Villa is really unreasonable, forget it, I won't play with you, I will withdraw first." Xiao Chen's voice rang, and then he wanted to leave.

"Where to run!"

But at this moment, a loud shout rang out, and a giant palm fell in the direction Xiao Chen left, blocking the path Xiao Chen was going on, and then several young Tianjiao fell down.

"Senior Brother!"

Gu Wei looked at the headed young man with surprise in his eyes.

Senior Brother San nodded, then looked at Xiao Chen, and said coldly: "Is he making trouble?"

"Yes, Senior Brother San, although this kid is only a true sage, but the speed is very fast, I might as well have learned the Tao." Gu Wei said, and at the same time found a good excuse for his defeat.

"I saw it, his speed is indeed very fast." The third senior brother said lightly, then looked at Xiao Chen, and said coldly: "Who are you, dare to make trouble in my Qingshan Villa?"

"I'm just an insignificant little person, and this time the thing was caused by the guy next to you first. It has nothing to do with me. If it's okay, I will leave first."

Xiao Chen said, and wanted to leave after speaking.

"You just want to leave like this, so you don't think of me Qingshan Villa too much." The third senior brother said coldly.

"Then what do you want?" Xiao Chen said.

"Ms. Xia Yun has been a guest at my Qingshan Villa in the past few days, and she knelt down and apologized, thinking that you didn't cause a major disaster, and this matter is over." Senior Brother 3 said lightly.

"It's impossible to kneel down and apologize. Why don't we just leave it alone like this, hello, my hello, everyone." Xiao Chen smiled.

"Do you think it is possible?" Senior Brother Three said coldly.

"Since the negotiation is wrong, there will only be a battle, but don't blame me for not reminding you, I don't want to be too stiff with you Qingshan Villa, if you are not reluctant, I might kill you."

Xiao Chen said calmly.

"Hmph, boy, you are too arrogant." The third senior snorted coldly, and moved his feet, already directly palming Xiao Chen.

A little bit below Xiao Chen's feet, the person already appeared next to him, and just then, another palm hit the spot where Xiao Chen settled.

"The reaction was quite fast, but you underestimated my speed." Xiao Chen said indifferently. Seven Star Wings launched with full force and disappeared in an instant. The person had come behind Senior Brother Third, and the Bawang Fist hit directly. Behind Senior Brother Third, Senior Brother Third Flew out in an instant.

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