Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2447: The comer is not good!

The dark night's hoarse voice sounded in the room, and Manager Zhao's face changed suddenly, gritted his teeth, and walked out of the room.

After Xiao Chen left Steward Zhao's room, he returned to his residence, and Dark Night reported back all the whereabouts of Steward Zhao.

"There are so many strong people in the Duanmu family." Dark night hides in the dark, and meets the little sage from time to time. Every time he encounters the little sage, the steward Zhao is humbly, completely different from before. The bullying is afraid of the strong.

While Xiao Chen was observing everything through the dark night, a voice suddenly came from the courtyard, and then several young figures walked in. After hearing the voice, Xiao Chen frowned slightly.

"Xiao Chen, come out, someone wants to see you."

A female voice sounded, and Xiao Chen had already heard that this voice belonged to one of Uncle Gong's daughters. Those who are not good will not come, and the other party may come to trouble him.

Xiao Chen frowned, then got up and opened the door and walked out. At this time, there were two young people in the yard besides Uncle Gong's three children.

At this time, the two young men were also looking up and down Xiao Chen.

One of the women motioned to the young man next to him. The young man nodded, then walked forward and looked at Xiao Chen and said, "I heard that you are the orphan of Uncle Gong’s righteous brother. Both Uncle Gong and Aunt Yan will treat you. I highly admire it. I’m not talented at the next level. I want to discuss it with you. I wonder if you can enlighten me?"

Xiao Chen glanced at a few people, his eyes flashed with a sneer, and he admired him very much. It would be weird if he could admire him. The other party just wanted to teach him a lesson in the name of learning from each other.

"Sorry, you are too weak, this son is not interested in discussing with the weak, and has the identity of the loser." Xiao Chen said lightly, the same tone as before.

The eyes of the people in the yard were sneered. The weakest among them was the Triple True Sage, and Xiao Chen was only the First True Sage, and they said they were weak. In their opinion, Xiao Chen was scared.

"If your Excellency is scared, just treat it as I didn't say it." The young man laughed.

"Then be my son and be afraid." Xiao Chen said. He had no interest in dealing with these people at all. When the voice fell, he had to turn around and go back.

Everyone's expressions were all stiff. They didn't expect Xiao Chen to come up with such a hand, and some of them couldn't react for a while. Another young man hurriedly said: "I didn't expect your Excellency to be a coward, really disappointed."

"Not only a coward, but also a coward. You are not worthy of us. It's ridiculous!"

"That's it, I really don't understand what father and mother mean, and taking this kind of person back to the mansion is simply detrimental to our face."

The two women spoke one after another, and their voices were filled with a strong sense of mockery.

"Forget it, talking so much to this kind of **** is really insulting our identity." Uncle Gong's son also said.

After talking about a few people, he turned and left.

Xiao Chen didn't pay any attention to the cold words and ridicule of several people at all, and even dismissed it. He turned around and walked into the room. With the sound of closing the door, the faces of several people were instantly full of anger.

"I can hold back this, who is this kid?" a young man couldn't help but said.

"What should we do now, dare to say that we are ugly, without teaching him a bit, I can't swallow that breath."

"me too!"

The two women said.

"But if he doesn't do it, we can't take the initiative. My mother has emphasized this point. If you let her know, the consequences will be very serious."

Uncle Gong's son said.

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