Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2450: A crazy woman!

"Is this a madness?" Xiao Chen asked, and then hurriedly contacted the system: "Scan the target situation and analyze the solution."

The woman in front of him is the target person suitable for the essence of Jin. The system has said that it is very difficult to find the most suitable target person. He does not want to let the target person die as soon as he finds the target person.

"Because the target forcibly breaks through the great realm, it has gone into trouble. If it is not treated in time and a stick of incense is not released, it will die!"

"I naturally know that she will die, I want you to come up with a rescue method." Xiao Chen said, the woman is the pinnacle of true sage, obviously to break through the realm of the little sage, but because of insufficient preparations, she wants to force a breakthrough, so she will go away Enchanted.

"It's very simple. Help the target person refine the essence of gold and help her make a breakthrough."

"Okay!" Xiao Chen took out the golden essence, a ball of light floated in front of the woman, Xiao Chen urged the holy power, and then weak golden evil power appeared in the golden essence and poured into the woman's body.

As the power of the golden evil pours into the woman's body, the power of the golden essence leads the movement of the holy power in her body, and the woman's breath slowly stabilizes. After about a stick of incense, the woman's breath has completely stabilized, but After calming down for a while, the woman's breath rose suddenly and successfully broke through Xiaosheng Yizhong.

"Essence really is something against the sky, if so, I will help you." Xiao Chen said in a deep voice, Xia Yun and the others broke through to the peak of Little Sage, and the essence of water only used less than one percent, so Xiao Chen did not stop, but continued to urge the essence of gold to help the woman refining, and the woman's breath continued to rise.

After breaking through to the peak of Little Sage, Xiao Chen felt that after the woman was unable to break through, she collected the holy power and collected the essence of gold, and then sat on a chair not far away and took a rest.

The woman continued to stabilize the aura in the solid body, and time slowly passed by until after dawn, the woman suddenly opened her eyes, and then a sharp sword beam shot from her eyes. At the same time, a golden sword had been placed on Xiao Chen's head.

"Who are you?" the woman asked in a cold voice.

"Why, you just woke up, do you want to do something to me, a lifesaver?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

The woman frowned, and at this moment, she realized that she had already reached the peak of Little Saint.

"What's going on, I remember that I seemed to forcefully break through the realm of Little Saint yesterday, and I can't remember anything after that."

"I didn't expect you to be pretty." At this moment, Xiao Chen said lightly. He was busy saving the woman yesterday, and he didn't even look at the woman carefully. He didn't expect that the woman was actually no worse than Xia Yun and Shangguan Zhirou. The beauties are just different from the two, the woman is more heroic than the two.

"You said you are my savior?" the woman frowned.

"Of course, you went crazy yesterday. If I hadn't used the holy artifact to save you yesterday, you would have exploded and died now." Xiao Chen said lightly, not caring about the golden sword in front of him.

The woman frowned again. She was very clear about her situation. There was a high possibility that she would become confused. Then she retracted the golden sword and looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Who are you, why are you here, and why are you saving me?"

"My name is Xiao Chen, and I came here to find a woman named Duanmu Qingluan. As for why I saved you, it is because I am very interested in you now." Xiao Chen did not hide anything, and generously explained his intention.

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