Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2453: Re-enter the abyss of extinction!

"You are wrong. Not only is the Shangguan family suppressing the Demon Demon Abyss, but the Ten High-level Star Regions are suppressing the Demon Demon Abyss. It's just that the Demon Demon Star Region has large cracks and many monsters, so it is known to the outside world. "Just then, the woman said lightly.

"Every high-level star field is suppressing monsters?" Xiao Chen was surprised. He always thought that Demon Extinguishing Abyss was a unique product of Demon Extinguishing Star Field, but now it seems not so simple.

"Yes, the suppression of my Duanmu family has always been calm, but some time ago, one of the Demon Extinguishing Abyss suddenly had a lot of monsters, and the reason why Duanmu Lingyun married Cheng Shaotian and let us be dowry girls, is In order to get help from the Cheng family, let them take action to destroy the monster."

The woman said lightly.

"But it shouldn't be needed now." The woman continued.

"Why is this?" Xiao Chen asked strangely, not only him, but Qing Luan also had some doubts.

"Because the Demon Extinguishing Abyss is different from the Demon Extinguishing Abyss of the Demon Extinguishing Star Territory, entering this Demon Extinguishing Abyss can only be entered by the little sage and the strong below, and only the strong who has not been a hundred years old can enter." Woman Tao.

"Yes, elder sister, isn't the Duanmu family only because the younger generation is not strong enough and lack of top masters, so that the younger generation of the Cheng family can take action? Why don't they need it now?" Qing Luan asked strangely.

"Because I have broken through, and now I am the pinnacle of Little Saint, so I decided to go to the Demon Abyss now." The woman opened her mouth with a look of determination in her eyes.

"What, sister, don't do it, I heard that the Demon Extinguishing Abyss is very dangerous, you definitely can't take the risk alone." Qing Luan immediately discouraged.

"Hey, woman, it's better for me to accompany you to the Demon Demon Abyss, but I have one condition. If I can help you solve the trouble of Demon Demon Abyss, I want you to swear in the name of Saint Ancestor and worship me as a teacher. "At this moment, Xiao Chen also said lightly.

"You also want to go to the abyss, do you rely on you?" The woman sneered: "Although I don't know what you have, but even if I can't guarantee to come back alive from inside, are you sure you want to go?"

"of course."

"You have the courage, if so, you will go with me, but I tell you, if there is a danger, I will not help you." The woman said lightly.

"What about that condition?"

"I'll be talking then." The woman said.

Xiao Chen smiled, not talking.

The woman was not talking either, but stepped directly out of the room. Seeing this, Xiao Chen hurriedly followed, leaving only Qing Luan in a daze.

After the woman left the door, she headed to the Duanmu family inner courtyard. Soon, the two came to a rockery, and there was a light gate at the rockery, and the woman and Xiao Chen stepped directly in.

After the two stepped in, two old figures fell down, frowning.

"How did this girl enter the abyss of extinction? Isn't this looking for death!"

"How did I feel her breath was different just now?"

"It seems to be, but no matter how unwilling she is, she shouldn't be so reckless. This is death!"

"It's not easy now. Let's go and notify the Patriarch, otherwise something big will happen. By the way, who is the kid who went in with her, do you know?"

"I don't know him, but that kid has a low aura, and it's just a dead end to get in. Don't worry about him, let's go to the Patriarch!"

The voice fell, and the two old men had disappeared.

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