Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2465: The tenth disciple!

"And your second aunt and your second uncle suffered very similarly. They both felt sorry for each other and walked together. Then they conspired to pull your father and your mother down at the same time."

"The two of them are my most beloved sisters, and they killed each other. I don't know who to help or whom to blame, and finally left the Central Continent and came here, so whether it is you or the second sister's child, I stay away."

"You also know the truth, what do you want to say?" Linghu Fang looked at Xiao Chen.

"Hey." Xiao Chen sighed, then spit out three words: "True blood!"

Linghu Xiangfang looked at Xiao Chen with some doubts.

"I have seen my aunt." Xiao Chen stood up and respectfully bowed to Linghu Xiangxiang, and said: "Thank you, auntie for telling me, since my aunt doesn't know how to deal with herself, then I won't bother."

"What are your plans in the future?" Linghu Xiangxiang asked.

"I don't have any plans. I will travel around and then go to the Central Continent." Xiao Chen said.

"Are you going to save your parents?"

"It depends. After all, my cultivation base is there." Xiao Chen said. He didn't say anything enough. With his current cultivation base, fighting against the two great saints in the Central Continent would undoubtedly be an idiot shaking the tree.

"Recently, you can stay in this Duanmu house first, and I will order people to give you some cultivation resources." Linghu said fragrantly.

"Thank auntie, but I don't need these. I will retire first." Xiao Chen said, after the voice fell, he walked out without any muddle.

Linghu Fragrance looked at Xiao Chen's back, his eyes were plain and unremarkable, and then said lightly: "The housekeeper."


A figure flashed out from outside the door, who was the chief steward of the Duanmu family.

"The young man just now is my nephew, you send someone to protect him secretly, so that he will not be bullied." Linghu said fragrantly.

"Yes, mistress!" Surprise flashed in the eyes of the housekeeper, and then he retreated.

Xiao Chen returned on the original road and soon came to the rockery. The others had already been counted. Only Brother Xiaosan and Duanmuze were there.

"Little San, the matter of Demon Devil Abyss has been settled, and you should fulfill your promise."

Xiao Chen said straight to the point.

Duan Muze and Duan Mu Rui's faces tightened. They also knew that Xiao San and Xiao Chen had a promise, but they didn't know the specific situation, so they couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"I Duanmu Lingyun, I am willing to swear in the name of the saint ancestor that I will worship Xiao Chen as my teacher today and never betray." Xiao San knelt on one knee and said in a deep voice.

"Apprentice?" Duan Muze and Duan Mu Rui said in astonishment.

"Are you Duanmu Lingyun?" Xiao Chen also looked at Xiao San with a little astonishment.

"Yes, Master, disciple Duanmu Lingyun." Duanmu Lingyun said.

"Unexpectedly, you are Duanmu Lingyun." Xiao Chen said. As far as he knows, Duanmu Lingyun is no less than Xia Yun's arrogant talent, but when he first saw Duanmu Lingyun, the other party was only the pinnacle of true sage, so Xiao Chen had never thought about this.

"You have heard of Cheng Shaotian's marriage as a teacher. If you don't want to, you can solve it with young people's methods. With your current strength, there are not many young people who can beat you. In addition, this It was given to you by the teacher." Xiao Chen said, and then gave the essence of gold to Duanmu Lingyun.

"Thank you, Master."

"In addition, apart from you as a teacher, there are nine other direct disciples. You are the youngest. I believe you will meet them soon."

Xiao Chen smiled.

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