Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2470: The Cheng family welcomes the family!

Xiao Chen appeared not far away, feeling the tumbling aura on their bodies, and couldn't help but be overjoyed. As far as he knew, there were not many great sages even in advanced star regions, and if there were eight more great sages under his hand The strong, I am afraid the advanced star field will also be afraid.

As time slowly passed, their golem real body slowly became solidified, and soon, the aura had surpassed the demon king at that time.

Soon, Xiao Chen showed a look of astonishment on his face, because he discovered that the real body of the eight demon generals turned out to be him, but before he continued to be astonished, Xiao Chen felt that the moment the real body of the golem took shape The majestic power of faith emerges like a tide.

The monsters in the entire Demon Territory are looking at the real golems behind the eight demon generals, even if they don't have any wisdom, their eyes are still full of piety.

Feeling such a majestic power of faith, Xiao Chen immediately sat cross-legged and began to temper the sacred body. With the blessing of such a majestic power of faith, both the physical body and the sacred bones are constantly strengthening.

Outside, a dragon chant suddenly sounded throughout Duan Jupiter. With the sound of this dragon chant, it instantly attracted the attention of countless powerful men. Then, a huge flame dragon roared out.

However, this was just the beginning. After the dragon appeared, there was a tidy wolf howling sound. Then tens of thousands of flame giant wolves followed behind the flame giant and roared.

"The Cheng family's welcoming team has arrived. The flame dragon is the signature sacred beast of the Cheng family. It is said that the flame dragon was accidentally injured and was rescued by the ancestors of the Cheng family. For gratitude, he stayed at the Cheng family and kept guarding the Cheng family. However, the Dragon Race of the Great Sage level did not expect that even it would be dispatched this time to welcome the relatives."

"Not only that, behind the flame dragon should be the Cheng family star domain, the unique sacred beast, the flame giant wolf. These flame giant wolves have a very high growth rate, and the true sage level and the little sage level are emerging in endlessly, and they were later accepted by the Cheng family as a battle favorite. The Cheng family has become the most terrifying existence."

"The Cheng family's pomp is really big!"

After the dragon chant sounded, those strong men who came to the Duan Ju Star Territory walked out of the secluded place one after another. At this time, looking at the luxurious lineup of the Cheng family, they were shocked.

"Look, there is a person standing on top of the dragon's head!"

Suddenly a cry of exclamation sounded, and everyone looked intently, and found that standing on top of the giant flame dragon was an elegant young man wearing a red robe, black hair dancing in the wind, and a faint jealous face.

"That's Cheng Jiacheng Shaotian!"

"What? It is said that although the flame dragon promised to protect the Cheng family, it did not even stand on its head by the ancestors of the Cheng family. Cheng Shaotian stood on its head. Could it be that it has recognized Cheng Shaotian as the master?"

Someone said in amazement.

"This is amazing, the Cheng family has produced a great genius!"

The spectators in other star regions were all shocked.

Cheng Shaotian stood on the shrinking dragon and landed on the top of Duanmu family. Numerous powerful Duanmu family members were all looking at Cheng Shaotian, and even some young women were full of admiration.

At this moment, the dressed-up Duanmu Lingyun, accompanied by her parents and two elder brothers, walked out. At this time, Duanmu Lingyun was clearly dressed up and beautifully beautiful. The moment she came out , The whole world seems to be dimmed.

When Cheng Shaotian saw such a beautiful aura of Duanmu, he was also lost.

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