Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2474: Support the scene!

"Can a Great Sage-level fire dragon deal with it?"

"Sect Master, no problem." Hei Xiao replied.

"Your Dragon Clan cultivation speed is really abnormal." Xiao Chen vomited, and then with a thought, the three of them had already appeared next to him, and Xiao Chen simply said the matter.

"If you are wronged three of you, first pretend to be my apprentice's pet." Xiao Chen said.

"It is our honor to be able to vent your anger for the young master!" Hei Xiao said.

When the words fell, three dragons reverberated across the sky, and then three dragons hovered out. Everyone stared at the three dragons that suddenly appeared.

Duan Muze and Duan Mu Rui looked at the three giant dragons with shock in their eyes, and then looked at Xiao Chen next to them, even more shocked.

The fire dragon also looked at the three giant dragons, and a look of consternation appeared in his eyes: "Thunder dragon, blue dragon, there are black dragons, besides me, there are other dragons?"

The Black Owl Three Dragons circled around, then turned into a human body, and fell beside Duanmu Lingyun. The Black Owl looked at the fire dragon lightly and said, "Are you bullying our Young Master?"

"The mere fire dragon, dare not take the initiative to us, and can't help it." Thunder Dragon also said.

Duanmu Lingyun looked at the three of them in a little astonishment, completely not understanding what was going on, and then subconsciously looked at Xiao Chen in the crowd, and Xiao Chen also looked at her and nodded.

"They were actually sent by the master." Duanmu Lingyun was shocked and grateful.

"Fire Dragon, although your cultivation base is stronger than ours, but you should know that Fire Dragon’s biggest opponent is not the Water Dragon, but our Black Dragon clan. With their assistance, you have no chance of winning, and it is not as good as the outcome of this battle. Give them to the two humans." Hei Xiao said.

"Where did you come from, dare to intervene in the affairs of our Cheng family?" Cheng Shaoyang asked with an ugly expression.

"The three of them are my favorites. Uncle Shaoyang has an opinion?" Duanmu Lingyun said.

"Cheng Shaoyang, just allow your nephew to have a war pet, are you forbidden my daughter to have a war pet?" Linghu Xiangang also said coldly. Although she didn't know where the three dragons came from, she was helping her daughter. Yes, she naturally wants to speak.

Cheng Shaoyang's expression was ugly to the extreme. When did the Duanmu family have three giant dragons and why there was no wind before, how could he know that they did not belong to the Duanmu family at all.

"Are you sure?" Cheng Shaoyang looked at the fire dragon.

"If it's one-on-one, I promise to win, but against three, I can stay unbeaten at most, but if the woman also shots, I'm afraid the young master can't stop it." Fire Dragon said solemnly.

Hearing that, Cheng Shaoyang and Cheng Shaotian's faces were very ugly. Cheng Shaoyang glanced at Duanmu Lingyun and the strong Duanmu family, and then said coldly: "Your Duanmu family is very good. My Cheng family will not let this matter go, we go."

The Cheng family's welcoming team came in mighty, but left in a humiliating manner. The strong men from other star regions all around looked at each other, and did not expect things to happen to this point.

Seeing the Cheng family powerhouse leave, Duanmu Lingyun breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the black owl and respectfully said: "Thank you three seniors for your help."

"You don't have to be polite, Young Master, since the matter has been resolved, then we should also leave." The black owl said, the voice fell, and the three had turned into giant dragons and disappeared into the distance.

"Xia Yun, Shangguan Zhirou, we should have an understanding of the grievances between us. Are you going together or one by one." Duanmu Lingyun thanked him again, and then looked at Xia Yun and Shangguan Zhirou.

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