Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2476: The arrangement of the apprentice!

"Duanmu Lingyun, you bullied me a lot at the beginning, and I should get it back today. Why not, let us fight a game, if I can win, you promise me one condition."

Shangguan Zhijudo.

"You and I are both Xiaosheng Peak, do you think you can win? You two should go together." Duanmu Lingyun said.

"Since you said so, then we are disrespectful, but after we win, you have to promise us one condition." Xia Yun followed Duanmu Lingyun's words, and they did not forget their purpose.

"Okay." Duanmu Lingyun didn't ask for any conditions. The Faxiang real body appeared behind him. At the same time, the Faxiang real body phantoms of Xia Yun and Shangguan Zhirou also appeared behind him, three terrifying auras, straight into the sky. , All the strong people around are shaken by it.

"Sister, do you think we should stop them?" Shunyue looked at Shamehua not far away.

"Master must be nearby. His elders don't stop him. Why do we stop? And by the look of it, they have been grieving for a long time. Maybe a fight is the best solution."

Shame Huadao, although they don't know Duanmu Lingyun, but they know Hei Xiao, since they are willing to help Duanmu Lingyun, Duanmu Lingyun naturally has a good relationship with Xiao Chen.

"I once heard Master say that he still wants to accept an apprentice, is it the one in front of him?" Shen Yu also said.

"I think eight or nine are not separated from ten, but you said whether our master is an old pervert and received ten direct disciples. All of them are our beautiful and cute beauties. Do you think he has other idea?"

Shunyue suddenly said.

"I think so, we have to be careful in the future." Luo Yan said lightly.

Chu Yun glanced at the four people speechlessly, and then she found that Mu Qingcheng and Mu Qingguo had obviously retreated a few steps, as if they were frightened.

Xiao Chen naturally didn't know that several of his apprentices were arranging him. If he knew, he would probably vomit a few liters of blood.

"Senior Xiao Chen, will something happen to Xiao San, right?" Duan Muze couldn't help asking.

"No." Xiao Chen said. He believed that Xia Yun and Shangguan Zhirou were well-measured, and he could see that the three of them were completely competing against Saint Power, without any skill at all, and this was the safest. But Duanmu Lingyun is one person after all, and under the bombardment of the two, she will definitely lose.

However, Xiao Chen didn't try to stop them either. The grievances between them should be resolved by themselves, and the three beauties fighting, this opportunity is rare.

The sacred powers of the three were condensed, constantly colliding, and they looked very gorgeous. Although Xiao Chen thought it was useless, the others were full of enthusiasm. Unknowingly, the names of the three were shouted by the crowd. More than one sound, like a wave.

Until Duanmu Lingyun sacred power dried up, the three men stopped, Xia Yun and Shangguan Zhirou also panted a little.

"Duanmu Lingyun, you lost." Xia Yun said.

"I lost, what conditions do you have, just say it." Duanmu Lingyun said lightly.

"We want someone from you." Shangguan Zhijudo.

"Who do you want?"

"Duanmu Qingluan." Shangguan Zhirou said solemnly.

"Qingluan, what do you want Qingluan for?" Duanmu Lingyun asked with some doubts.

"There is no need to tell you." Xia Yun said.

"Sorry, Duanmu Qingluan is my sister, and I promised others to protect her, so she can't give it to you." Duanmu Lingyun said.

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