Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2482: pirate!

The woman's face was full of unwillingness, she glared at the big man, and retired unwillingly.

Seeing this, the old man could only sigh.

"We finally saved 15 million holy crystals, but now we can't return to the Central Continent. What can we do?" The woman sighed.

"Not only do the ferrymen don't want us, even if they form a private team, they don't want us. For the sake of the present, we can only go to this ethereal sea of ​​stars by ourselves." The boy said.

"It can only be this way, life and death, if we can't meet Grandpa for the last time, we will be the sons of man." The girl said, and the three of them jumped off the dock together and headed towards the ethereal sea of ​​stars.

"There are really people who are not afraid of death!"

"You don't want money, but they are dead."

"We formed a team of more than ten little sages and dared to cross the misty sea of ​​stars. Two true sages and one little sage are dead!"

"Look, there's another true saintly fellow here!"

"Weird things happen every year, especially this year, so many rush to die."

What they were talking about was naturally Xiao Chen. He just listened to the things about teenagers and girls, but he also knew why no one came to greet him. The weak ones naturally need more holy crystals, and the weak ones There are not many holy crystals themselves, so they don't bother to speak.

this is the truth.

But Xiao Chen didn't care about this either, he rushed directly towards the misty sea of ​​stars.

Along the way, Xiao Chen met many teams. These people glanced at Xiao Chen and left indifferently.

Of course, Xiao Chen didn't pay attention to their intentions, and took out the map purchased by the hawker. Although this map is not safe, Xiao Chen believes that some of the dangerous places marked above are not too different, and the most dangerous places. , Is the place where there are most Xingsha Star Beasts, and Xiao Chen's target is also these dangerous places.

Soon, Xiao Chen entered the range of the ethereal sea of ​​stars, and also encountered the stars. Through the system, Xiao Chen directly began to absorb the power of the stars, and the surrounding stars continued to gather towards him.

The power of these star sands is much sharper than the ones encountered in the Nine Star Territory at the beginning. Xiao Chen even felt that the flesh of the little sage could penetrate, but Xiao Chen’s current flesh and sacred bones were not comparable to ordinary people. It doesn't take much effort to absorb it.

Xiao Chen just like this, absorbing the power of the stars, while moving forward in the direction of the central continent. Since Xiao Chen chose a dangerous place and even encountered star beasts several times, he did not meet other teams.

As time passed slowly, Xiao Chen had been in the ethereal Xinghai for more than three months, and the power of the Seven Star Wings, the Blade of the Galaxy, and the Sacred Bone had become terrifying.

At this time, Xiao Chen's body was covered with a layer of star sand, while absorbing the power of the stars, while walking continuously, and at this moment, not far in front of him, three people were stopped by a group of people.

And these three people were the young people, girls, and servants who were alone in the misty town.

"Two true saints, one little saint, they are really going through the sea of ​​misty stars, it's a **** of a life."

"Boy, we are pirates, we specialize in snatching the resources of you people, and those who are acquainted will hand over the resources, otherwise your previous efforts will be wasted, and you will eventually die in this ethereal sea of ​​stars."

Surrounding the three of them is a group of pirates. As the name suggests, they are bandits who specialize in house robbery in Misty Xinghai. Even some ferrymen are sometimes blackmailed by them.

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