Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2485: Rob homework!

"Didn't I already introduce it. I am a pirate. I am currently doing robbery operations. Either pay or pay your life. You can choose one yourself." Xiao Chen pointed at Diqi and said lightly. He was proud, exactly the same as his expression to Marco just now.

Hearing that, Di Qi's face was ugly to the extreme. In the past, they used to rob others. This was what they said to others. When did others say that to them.

"Although I don't know where you are, but let me tell you, we are from the Whitebeard Pirate Group, and our leader is the great sage. Even if you have the means to kill the little sage, you can face the big sage. You have only one dead end."

Di Qi said coldly, he is a very cautious person. Although he has the strength of the little saint's eighth layer, Xiao Chen can kill the little saint strong, maybe there are other methods, so he did not directly do it.

"Why are you talking about so much? If your head is here, I might still look at his face and spare your life, but now, you still hand over the holy crystals, otherwise, we will continue to fight. Right."

Xiao Chen said lightly, not to mention his own strength, even the Eight Great Demon Generals were not afraid of the Great Sage.

"Marco, are you going to watch that way? Let's go up together and take down this kid. Although his methods are a bit amazing, but to put it bluntly, it's just an ant in the realm of true sage. Let's go together and we will surely take him down."

Di Qi looked at Ma Kedao, obviously wanting to pull him into the water.

"This is your own trouble, you can solve it yourself." Ma Ke said lightly, retreating to a hundred meters away. He was at odds with Di Qi, so naturally he would not help him.

"Damn Marco." Di Qi looked a little ugly, then looked at Xiao Chen and said coldly: "I don't believe it, there are so many of us, we can't hold you alone, you can join me!"


The pirates behind Di Qi burst out with powerful auras, and at least six of them are little saints, and the terrifying auras exuded together, shaking the earth and terrifying.

Xiao Chen glanced at the strong man who was rushing over, faintly holding Ling Tian in his hand, venting the power in his body, Xiao Chen slashed out horizontally, a galaxy-like blade across the starry sky, illuminating the entire starry sky, and then cut Past these pirates rushing over.

The bodies of these pirates stopped abruptly, and their faces appeared in consternation. Then their bodies gradually turned into stars, dissipating in everyone's horrified eyes.

Ma Ke and the others looked astonished, and the young girl's eyes widened, without saying a word.

When Xiao Chen was about to cut the blade, Di Qi felt a dangerous aura. Instead of rushing up, he quickly backed away. At this moment, when he saw this scene, a look of horror flashed in his eyes, and then he didn't look back. , Disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

"Let's go too." Ma Ke said in a deep voice when he saw this, and when his voice fell, he took the other pirates and left quickly.

"It runs very fast." Xiao Chen didn't chase it either. Galaxy Blade is very powerful. There is no doubt about it, but Xiao Chen also spent a lot of sacred power with the cut just now. If he doesn't demonize, he might take it at all. No less than Diqi.

"The Holy Power is still not enough, it seems that it needs to be upgraded."

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for leveling up, the current true saint is second!"

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