Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2489: Blocked!

"I know Grandpa Long." The young man smiled. The old man in front of him was Bei Long, the housekeeper of his Bei family. Although he was a housekeeper, his status was only lower than that of the ancestors of the Bei family, and the Bei family respected him very much.

"Okay, let's go, your grandpa is also anxious." Bei Long said.

"Grandpa Long, don't worry, these pirates should be looking for trouble, let's see and talk." Juvenile Dao, he just heard the discussion, and he also knew that these pirates belonged to the Whitebeard Pirate Group. He already guessed When it comes to these pirates, who are they looking for trouble?

"This pirate alliance is developing very fast, and its overall strength is no less than that of Bei's." Beilong glanced at the pirates, then said, his eyes flashed with fear.

"Pirate League." The young man murmured. The Pirate League is an alliance of all pirate groups. Its power is huge and its financial power is unmatched by ordinary forces. It is also said that behind this pirate league, there are mysterious strong men, so Although this pirate alliance is a generation that is difficult to distinguish, few forces are willing to offend them.

Xiao Chen walked in front, and Bei Azhen followed not far away. Soon, the two came to the exit, and at this moment, a loud shout rang.

"It's him!" A figure suddenly landed not far from Xiao Chen, and shouted loudly at the same time, and this figure was Di Qi.

Hearing Di Qi's voice, the white-bearded pirate group around him instantly surrounded him. In the blink of an eye, the exit was already blocked. Those unidentified strong men were scared to stay in place by the sudden scene.

"It's none of your business, get away!" Di Qi glanced at other passers-by and heard that these passers-by, relieved, hid in the distance for an instant, at the exit of Nuo Da, in the blink of an eye, the two of Xiao Chen were left.

"The Whitebeard Pirates are looking for them?"

"No, it's just two true sage juniors. Is it worth the fanfare?"

"Who knows."

Immediately afterwards, eight people walked out of the pirates, headed by an old man with a white beard, behind him, followed by seven strong men with strong aura, including Marco.

Seeing this, Di Qi also came to the old man with white beard, and then stared at Xiao Chen.

"Introduce yourself, the head of the White Beard Pirate Group, White Beard." Bai Beard stepped forward, looked at Xiao Chen, and said lightly.

Xiao Chen glanced at the white beard, his eyes flashed disappointment, the person in front of him was just an old man with a long white beard, completely incomparable with the mighty and domineering father in his memory.

"System, haven't you enabled new functions? Check out the strength of this old man." Xiao Chen said, the moment he stepped into the dock, the system sounded a reminder and unlocked some new functions.

"White beard, the master of cultivation is the first heavy, the host will fight with him, the winning rate is 100%!"

"Great Sage One Heavy?" Xiao Chen murmured in his heart. Xiao Chen didn't pay much attention to what the system said 100%. Although this 100% gave him a refreshing feeling, he would never commit such carelessness. error.

"It turned out to be the head of the Whitebeard Pirate Group. I don't know if I can stop them. Any advice?" Xiao Chen arched his hands.

"I don't dare to give advice, but your Excellency killed many members of our regiment, should you give me an explanation?" Baibeard said lightly.

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