Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2495: Pei’s heritage!

"Yes, Captain Li Ying." Di Qi lowered his head, but a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Chen glanced at Di Qi without paying attention, and then took Bei Azhen, led by Li Ying, left the dock and entered the misty town.

On the way, Xiao Chen also learned a lot from Li Ying.

This small town was also built along the sea of ​​misty stars, so it is also called misty town.

The misty town has a long time. After going through the vicissitudes of life, the misty city was established by the misty town, and then the misty sect was formed, dominating one side.

In the misty town, there are countless large and small pirate groups. The Whitebeard Pirate Group is well-known among many pirate groups, but there are nearly two dozen pirate groups that are comparable to the Whitebeard Pirate Group. Formed a pirate alliance.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Pirate Alliance, it is said that a mysterious force took action. All the pirates who opposed the establishment of the alliance were killed overnight. Therefore, the Pirate Alliance was established in a short time.

The Pirate Alliance has its own complete system, with many powerful players, and it also orders all the pirate groups. Moreover, the leader of the Pirate Alliance, Shenlong, sees no end, but every time the leader appears, he carries a **** storm. Many pirate groups that were not weaker than the Whitebeard Pirate Group were personally destroyed by the leader because they did not obey the orders of the Pirate Alliance.

Therefore, all the pirate groups are extremely jealous of the Pirate Alliance, and even the five major forces of Misty City, dare not easily offend the Pirate Alliance.

"The Pirate League, it's interesting. It seems that this mysterious force is not only amazing in its methods, but also very powerful in its ability to unite so many pirate groups."

Xiao Chen felt more jealous of the Pirate Alliance, and then looked at Li Ying and said, "You are telling me about the Bei family."

"The Bei family, leader, in fact, the Bei family is not simple. Although it is only one of the five major forces in the Misty City, it is said that the Pei family is a very old family with a mysterious heritage, and the Bei family of the Misty City , Just one of the branches."

Li Ying thought for a while and said solemnly.

"The Bei family does have an ancient inheritance, and this inheritance is very strong." At this moment, Bei Azhen suddenly said.

"What inheritance?" Xiao Chen asked.

"When Shouyuan is approaching, the strong people in the clan can pass on all of their cultivation to their immediate descendants. The ancestor of the Bei family is also Beibei's grandfather. As Shouyuan is approaching, Beibei rushed back to accept the inheritance. , If the teaching goes well, within one month, Bei Bei will become the head of the Bei family and will have a cultivation base no less than that of the ancestor."

Beazhen said without any reservation.

Hearing this, surprise flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes, and directly passed on all cultivation bases to the next generation, which is almost the same as opening up.

"The Pei family has such a strong inheritance. Doesn't that mean that as long as there is no unexpected situation, the strong of the Pei family will not be cut off?" Li Ying said in shock.

"How can there be such a perfect inheritance in the world, and if a true sage suddenly possesses the cultivation base of the great sage, it seems to have a strong strength, but there is a lot of lack of understanding of martial arts, tempering of the mind, and the future I’m afraid it won’t be of much benefit."

Xiao Chen said lightly, even though he didn't need an understanding of martial arts to break through his cultivation base, his character was persevering and would never lose to anyone.

Hearing this, Li Ying looked at Xiao Chen with a little surprise, and strengthened the thoughts in his heart. If Xiao Chen only looked so young on the surface, how could he have such a calm state of mind.

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