Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2498: King of hegemony!

The city lord's faint voice fell, and the originally elegant and silent hall suddenly became like a market, and everyone was shocked.

"What is this king's hegemony?" Xiao Chen asked with some doubts looking at the shocked crowd.

Hearing Xiao Chen’s voice, Li Ying recovered from the shock, and then solemnly said: "The king’s battle for hegemony is led by the Palace of Heaven. Dozens of forces no less than the Misty Sect organized a grand event together. The strongest king can get the prophecy of the strongest in Tianji Palace, and this prophecy is related to breaking through the ancient sage. It is said that the king's hegemony has been held for dozens of times, and an ancient sage strong will appear every time."

"It's related to the Old Sage, no wonder everyone is so moved." Xiao Chen said suddenly, but what made him care about breaking through the Old Sage was not the matter of breaking through the Old Sage, but he actually heard the Heavenly Secret Palace again.

"Captain, with your strength, you can compete for this spot, you might as well give it a try." Li Yingdao, although he doesn't know how strong Xiao Chen's combat power is, he will definitely not be inferior to the general sage. Triple, and the Pirate Alliance has five places, Xiao Chen might be able to win one place.

"Forget it, with my strength, even if I get the quota, it is impossible to become the only king." Xiao Chen shook his head.

"It's okay if you don't go, the prophecies related to breaking through the ancient sage, those who don't know how long the retreat will be strong will probably be dispatched, and in every king's hegemony, countless strong will die. A wise choice." Li Ying said again.

Xiao Chen smiled. He didn't expect that Li Ying would flatter, but he didn't care, but his thoughts sank into the system, and then he found that the system was not moving at all. According to the past urinary sex, the system is definitely a hit. Little face expert, if he doesn't go, he will definitely trigger the mission. Why is there no movement this time?

"System, don't you plan to trigger the task?"

"This task is a bit low, not worth triggering."

"Puff, things related to breaking through the ancient sage are actually a bit low, what the **** is this?" Xiao Chen said.

The system ignored it and didn't trigger the task. Xiao Chen looked helpless. He wanted to get a little reward through the task, but it seemed that he could only do nothing.

"Master City Lord, the younger generation is puzzled about something, I don't know if it is inappropriate to talk about it." When the hall was noisy, suddenly Beibei was mixed with the sound of Holy Power, suppressing these broken sounds.

"But it doesn't matter." The city lord said.

"The Pirate League is just a group of mobs. Why does it have the same five places as the Misty City? In the eyes of juniors, the Pirate League only needs one place."

Bei Bei said indifferently, not to mention the other forces, just talking about their five major forces, five places are not enough, so when Bei Bei said this, the other forces in the misty city instantly cast admiring eyes.

"What kind of thing do you dare to say that my Pirate League is a mob? Also, my Pirate League has a small number of places. If the city lord agrees, I want to slaughter the five major forces and take their places."

Nanmen Qianshan said with a somewhat hoarse male voice. Although her voice was hoarse, it was full of domineering and fierceness. She was about to slaughter the five major forces. Even Xiao Chen couldn't help but look over.

"Tell me the five major forces of the Misty City? Leader of the Pirate Alliance, what qualifications do you have to say? If it weren't for the benevolence of the city lord, our five major forces are benevolent, and now you have a foothold for your Pirate Alliance."

Bei Bei sneered disdainfully.

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