Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2500: not ready yet!

Li Ying glanced at the disciple, then looked at Xiao Chen, and secretly gave a thumbs up, a look in his eyes frightened a little sage back, really powerful.

On the competition stage, Beibei looked at Nanmen Qianshan wearing a mask, full of confidence and energetic. Today is the time for him to become the number one master of Misty City.

"Leader, please!" Bei Bei smiled faintly, looking very graceful, but the next moment, he fell to the ground with no grace at all, because just when his voice fell, Nanmen Qianshan Already moved, without any extra moves, even without a breath, came directly to Bei Bei's side and kicked Bei Bei out.

Nanmen Qianshan looked at Bei Bei and said hoarsely: "You have already lost. If I had just killed you, you were already dead. The five places in the Misty City will belong to my Pirate League."

"You're a rogue, I'm not ready yet, my Faxiang True Body has not been released yet, how can you do it?" Bei Bei roared with flushed face, he is not ready yet, his Faxiang True Body has not been released yet. Well, I haven't used my magical powers yet, how can I lose?

"Puff, hahaha, boy, this world is too dangerous, you should hide and go home, this is not for you." As soon as Bei Bei's words fell, Xiao Chen couldn't help but laugh. This is a fight. , It’s not a playhouse, and I’m still waiting for you to be ready. If it’s a life and death duel, who will wait for you to be ready.

"That is, if it were not for our lord's hand to be merciful, you would have been in a different place."

"It's funny, it's so funny."

Immediately afterwards, there were loud laughs from the pirate group, Bei Bei's face was flushed, and the five major forces were extremely gloomy, and they felt like they were inhumane.

"Okay, Beibei, you have already lost, and all of your five major forces in the Misty City will belong to the Pirate Alliance." At this moment, the city lord announced.

"Leader is mighty!"

The pirate shouted.

"City Lord, we are not convinced. The quotas of the five major forces in Misty City should belong to our five major forces. Beibei only represents the Bei family. He loses, and only the place belongs to his Bei family. The other four places It should be allocated by us."

At this moment, an old man of the five major powers spoke. He was the Patriarch of the five major powers Xin family. When he spoke, he immediately attracted the support of other forces.

"The five major forces of you are really shameless. Why didn't you speak when you challenged our leader? Now they jumped out to say this."

"Yes, extremely shameless!"

Naturally, the pirate group would not sit idly by. If they could get five more places, they would have one more opportunity. Naturally, they would not let it go easily, and the pirate group and the five major forces would quarrel instantly.

On the martial arts stage, Beibei's face was ashamed and angry. He came to fame in the first battle, not a laughingstock. Looking at the chaos around, Beibei gritted his teeth, the breath of the Great Sage's Seventh Layer broke out completely, an old man The face of Faxiang Zhenbo appeared behind him, and the terrifying aura completely suppressed all voices.

"I haven't lost yet!"

Bei Bei said angrily, the Faxiang Zhenshen behind him instantly opened his eyes, and a frightening atmosphere was brewing in his eyes.

"This is the patriarch's eyes!" Bei Azhen said in surprise.

"You know?" Xiao Chen asked.

"An ancestor sage appeared on the ancestors of the Pei family. All the strong people of the Pei family used this ancestor sage as the true body prototype, and this world-destroying method is the fame stunt of the ancestors of the Pei family. Few descendants of the Pei family can understand , I didn't expect Beibei to be able to perform."

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