Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2654: Return to Blood Rock Valley!

"It's the respected master, disciples remember!"

"By the way, why did you appear here?" Xiao Chen nodded, then asked again.

"The disciple found Master in Xiaoyao Valley. He wanted to go back to find Master, but found that Yin Xiaoyao was following him unkindly, so he followed him. If you are right, what should she do?"

Mu Qing Guodao then looked at Yin Xiaoyao with a cold color on his face.

"How is this possible? It is absolutely impossible. He is just a great sage. How could he be the master of Mu Qingguo, who is the youngest ancestor of the Mu family!" Yin Xiaoyao was full of disbelief. She didn't react until Mu Qingguo's killing intent fell on her.

"Yin Xiaoyao, you'd better rot in your stomach about my affairs. If you let other people know about my affairs and my relationship with Qingguo, I will remove you from Xiaoyaogu, leaving none of them."

Xiao Chen looked at Yin Xiaoyao coldly.

"Yin Xiaoyao, you can hear clearly what my master said. You know my business and my identity. If I want to destroy Xiaoyao Valley, it's a one-sentence thing, you'd better keep this in mind. "

Mu Qingguo also said coldly.

"I understand!" Hearing the threats from the two, Yin Xiaoyao finally reacted, and then nodded. Although she didn't understand what was going on, she knew that she could just follow Mu Qingguo's current identity. Casually destroy her Xiaoyao Valley.

"Help me do one more thing." Xiao Chen said.

After a while, Yin Xiaoyao nodded and left. Then Xiao Chen learned about some other disciples from Mu Qingguo, and after asking her to help Mu Fengluan, Mu Qingguo also turned and left.

Xiao Chen came to the hinterland of the Blood Rock Valley, found a boulder, and sat cross-legged.

At this time, outside the Blood Rock Valley, news began to circulate that the great saint strongman wanted by the Beishan family appeared alone in the Blood Rock Valley.

After receiving this news, the powerhouse greedy for bounty, once again rushed towards the Blood Rock Valley.

The Beishan family and the powerhouses at the foot of Linshan also started to act.

Xiao Chen sat on the boulder in Blood Rock Valley. It didn't take long for a long time. There were already strong casual cultivators in Blood Rock Valley. After seeing Xiao Chen, he killed him directly. After a few breaths, Xiao Chen was already lying under the boulder. Several corpses.

More and more powerful people are greedy for bounty, and more and more powerful people appear in Blood Rock Valley, and there are more and more corpses under Xiao Chen's boulder, but most of them do not have whole bodies, and some even have no bones. under.

With more and more corpses under Xiao Chen's feet, the strong man who came from behind did not dare to rush into action, but stared solemnly at Xiao Chen, who was sitting on the boulder with his eyes closed and drowsiness, with a deep look of fear in his eyes.

Soon, a large number of strong men appeared, and everyone recognized that they were the members of the Beishan family headed by Bei Shanwei, and Bei Shanwei was also behind.

After the Beishan family appeared, Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes, and at this moment, there were a large number of strong men, and the strong men from Lin Shanlu arrived.

Bei Shan glanced at Lin Shanlu's strong man, frowned slightly, then looked at Xiao Chen, and said coldly: "You dare to show up?"

"Why don't you dare to show up? Besides, I came here specifically to kill you. Soon, you will be one of these corpses."

Xiao Chen stood up slowly, and as his voice fell, the neighborhood was suddenly full of murderous intentions.

Looking at Xiao Chen standing above a pile of corpses, feeling the killing intent emanating from Xiao Chen's body, the brows of Bei Shanfang and others wrinkled slightly.

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