Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2775: Strange appearance!

"No!" Xiao Chen said.

"That black eagle is, that is the mountain swallowing eagle. Although this kind of mountain swallowing eagle is not strong, it has a space in its stomach and can easily swallow a mountain range. An adult mountain swallowing eagle is enough to swallow a million in one mouthful. In the cities where creatures live, it’s just that this mountain swallowing eagle is rare even in the Eight Wastes, but I don’t know how the Demon Race can get one."

"No way." Xiao Chen looked at the swallowing eagle and opened his mouth wide. There are hundreds of thousands of demons hidden in this little black eagle. Who will believe this when we say this?

"Xiao Chen, what's the matter?" Mu Fengluan asked.

"The devil is here, sister, don't get too far away from me for a while." Xiao Chen said solemnly.

"Come?" The others were taken aback, they didn't feel any Demon breath at all.

"Where?" Linghu Fangning asked.

Xiao Chen didn't reply, just raised his head and looked at the Mountain Swallowing Eagle seriously. Following Xiao Chen's gaze, Linghu Fangning and others also raised their heads to look at the Mountain Swallowing Eagle. When they saw there was only one black eagle, they all showed up. The color of astonishment.

However, the next moment, the astonishment on their faces turned into panic.

I saw the mountain swallowing eagle suddenly opened its mouth and vomited suddenly, and then a few small black spots were spit out. If you look closely, you can find that these small black spots are countless times smaller than each other, like ghosts. The similar evil warship is slowly getting bigger with the wind.

In just a few breaths, there were dozens of warships that were already above the expedition mausoleum, and the terrifying magic power came in mighty. Under this mighty magic power, some low-level powerful ancestors almost cried out, if not The strong man on the side hurriedly stopped, otherwise all the hiding places had been exposed to the demons.

Immediately afterwards, monsters full of demonic energy appeared on the battleship, like locusts, covering the top of the tomb.

After that, ten figures stepped to the front of the battleship, their demonic energy billowing, and their eyes were blood red, which was especially noticeable.

"Ten demons of the sacred realm!" When they saw these ten figures, Xue Lin and Chen Kexing, who were hiding in the dark, could not help but change their expressions even though they had already received the news.

In the battlefield of the Three Realms, Chen Kexing had never seen such a dense Sacred Realm Demon Race. If these Demon Races occupied the expedition tomb and cooperated with the Demon Race on the Three Realm Battlefield to attack the Saint Race Alliance, he would dare not think about the consequences.

Xue Lin's expression was also solemn to the extreme. The demon faction, regardless of the number of strong people or the number of people, must occupy an absolute advantage. Fortunately, there is only one opponent with the same strength as her, and Chen Kexing can also hold down other holy realm strong , And the key game has become a confrontation between the ancestral sage peaks.


As an indifferent voice sounded, the monsters had been killed directly, and just as they were about to fall on the tomb on the expedition, the aura of formations appeared, and then all the strong hidden in the dark were killed. , Gave the Mozu vanguard a blow.

But there are still a lot of demons, and more and more demons are coming.

"Boys, die!"

Chen Kexing rushed out suddenly, the broken world claws swept out, hundreds of demons turned into powder.

"Predecessors are mighty!"

After seeing this scene, the holy realm powerhouse was encouraged, one by one roared, blocking the attacking demons.

"This person's cultivation is not weak, you can go to a few!" The strongest Demon Race said indifferently, the voice fell, and there were already five or six Demon Races heading towards Chen Kexing.

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