Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2935: Doyama Castle!

"How is the power of this beam city?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Daliang City ranks 70th among the 72 cities, but even so, the city owner is still a seven-fold strong Yuanying, and there are ten other strong Yuanying."

Long Asan spoke extremely fast, his voice full of solemnity, as if to tell Xiao Chen how dangerous it was for them to stay here.

"It seems that the power of this beam city is indeed not weak, although I use my full strength to eliminate them is not a problem, but now is not the time to start, you take us to find a place to stay."

Xiao Chen looked at Long Asandao, using the skill enhancement card, coupled with the two of them in cold black robe, Liangcheng was not in his eyes at all, but Xiao Chen did not want to rely on foreign objects too much, because his strength is strong. right way.

"Yes, senior!"

In order not to be discovered by the people in Daliang City, Xiao Chen and the others all dressed up in disguise, and then Long Asan took Xiao Chen, and they came to the border of Wuhuang City, Tushan City, also ranked 72nd city.

Tushan City is just like its name. Although its site covers hundreds of thousands of miles, there are many mountains and the environment is extremely poor.

Moreover, Tushan City is the most chaotic city in Seventy-Two. Because the city owner of Tushan City does not manage or practice, he only knows to indulge in enjoyment all day long. Therefore, the entire Tushan City is full of smoke and mist. You want Yuanjing, and you still want it casually.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, Xiao Chen and the others handed in Yuanjing, and then entered Tushan City.

Although the environment of Tushan City is bad, it does not affect its prosperity. There are many stalls around it. However, according to Long Asan, the prices here are too chaotic, so you can often see quarrels between sellers and buyers. This is the characteristic of the mountain city.

Xiao Chen and the others found a restaurant and lived in first, while Xiao Chen chose to retreat directly.

In the room!

"Little elf, I want to use the illusory secret realm!"

"Open the illusory secret realm, use the permission for one day!"

As the little elf's voice fell, Xiao Chen's entire body disappeared, and when he opened his eyes again, he had already appeared in a void.

"The vitality here is so strong, even Wuhuangnei is far behind." Xiao Chen said in shock.

"This is natural, the illusion and illusion secret realm is not simple, and this is only a low-level illusion secret realm, there are intermediate, high, and top levels on it, and the richness of vitality and time ratio in different levels are also different, of course its price It's also a difference in talent!"

The elf said proudly.

"Then how much pit value does it take to rent a low-level illusion and secret realm for a day?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Well, even if I sell you now, it won't be enough for a day, but you can use some missions to accumulate fate value. When did you reach ten million fate value, you are talking about renting the illusion and secret realm."

"But now, apart from the task of beheading Yi Zhenghua, there are no other tasks, and how can Yi Zhenghua say he is also a strong infant. I am going to look for him now, and I will undoubtedly hit the stone with a pebble!"

Xiao Chen said that from Leng Bing's mouth, they knew that Yi Zhenghua was a person from the Eight Desolations and the Middle East. He possessed the infant transformation and cultivation base, and there were powerful forces behind him. He had no power at all to fight against him.

"Well, don't worry, although there are no big tasks, this lady can trigger some small tasks for you, such as replacing the lord of Tushan City, rectifying Tushan City, etc., and you can get a good pit margin value!"

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