Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2948: A team of five people!

"Three spin pills are one heavy, won't you?" Lao Dou's eyes widened in an instant, and he couldn't wait to go up and slap Shang Qi Queque. She was already a burden, but now it brings three more burdens. This is just to die. Their city lord.

"Captain Xiao Chen, this girl is called Ling Shuang, she is called Ling Bing, they are a pair of sisters, and this boy is called Gonglong." Qi Queque introduced.

"Hello, my name is Xiao Chen, and you are welcome to join my team!" Xiao Chen smiled.

"I have seen the captain!" the three of them slightly arched their hands.

"Great, the five of us are now in a team." Qi Queque laughed.

"My city lord, what do you want to do!" Lao Dou had a black line on his face, and he couldn't understand what Xiao Chen wanted to do. With the burden of four spin pills, even if he was powerful, he would be dragged down.

Qi Que Que pulled the four of them and discussed a countermeasure!

Lao Dou had no choice but to sign up again.

The team battle is scheduled for the third day. This team battle is not based on the city, but on the team. Of course, as long as the entire team can enter the finals, other members of the team, no matter which city they are in, will be rewarded.

But once you step into the ring, you don't care about life or death, and you want to survive unless you take the initiative to escape from the ring.

The next day, on the Yanwu Square, there was a sea of ​​people, and the team battles were all divided by teams, and in one place, a team of only five people attracted almost everyone's attention.

"What's the joke, a team of five?"

"One spin pill with five layers, four spin pill with one layer, do they want to die?"

"Qi Que Que, Ling Bing, Ling Shuang, Gong Long, they all seem to be abandoned children in the top ten cities. Together, do these abandoned children want to show the last light?"

Everyone talked a lot, but Xiao Chen and the five people were calm. Actually, Xiao Chen had some expectations in his heart. The five people had already discussed countermeasures yesterday, and Xiao Chen’s main role was to stand still and encourage them. All team battles are given to them.

With the entry of teams one by one, the atmosphere of the entire martial arts venue was extremely lively. When the strong from the Shangguan imperial family arrived, the atmosphere on the scene was unprecedented.

A group of thirty people came in the air, and everyone exuded an aura of terror.

And these thirty people, all of them are Nascent Soul powers, and the eight with the most powerful auras have reached Nascent Souls advanced level, and the weakest among them is also a bit stronger than the beam city's horizontal sword aura.

In front of them, there was a young man with white hair and a very young complexion. Although this man did not reveal any aura, it gave people a very strong oppression.

"Half-step baby change!"

Xiao Chen's heart changed slightly, except for the six-winged bat, this was the strongest person Xiao Chen had ever met.

"The white-haired crazy demon, one of the five masters of Shangguan royal family."

The old Dou next to Xiao Chen took a deep breath. In the previous city battles, the strongest presiding officer was only Yuanying Peak. This was the first time he saw Danone becoming a half-step infant.

The rules have changed, and the white-haired crazy demon also sits in person. It seems that this city battle is indeed a bit difficult.

The white-haired mad demon led everyone directly to the high platform, and then a Yuan Ying eight-fold powerhouse took a step and announced loudly: "The team battle is now open. After the team battle is started, life and death will not matter. If you feel that your strength is not enough , And automatically admit defeat in the end, and now we start the draw showdown!"

The entire square is divided into four areas, four arenas, and team battles begin at the same time.

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