Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2950: Five Ghosts in Ghost Rock City!

"That is, he is strong, and he is only one person. We can beat him together and we can also be famous in the world!"

"Yes, the three of us contain him, you use long-range attacks, attack from a distance, this time we will definitely win!"

The two Xuan Pill eight-fold powerhouses said in a deep voice, and hearing their words, the voices in the team gradually weakened, and there were firm gazes in their eyes. If they could really hit Shangguan Jun, they might really be famous all over the world.

Shangguan Jun looked at this scene, his expression unchanged.

"The test begins!"

As the referee's voice fell, a loud shout came from the team of fifty people, and they rushed towards Shangguan Jun.

"Earth dragon turned over!" Shangguan Jun said lightly, tapping the spear lightly on the ground, and the next moment, the whole ring suddenly vibrated, and a earth dragon broke out of the ground, roaring up to the sky, with a powerful force, instantly All fifty people were smashed into the air, vomiting blood one by one, hitting the barrier.

The entire martial arts field was quiet and terrifying. Everyone stared at the indifferent Shangguan Jun in a daze. Their eyes were full of shock. The strength of the team that wounded fifty people in one stroke attracted everyone's attention.

"The attack just now has at least the strength of Yuanying First Heavy, and he has not yet used his full strength. It seems that the Shangguan imperial family can dominate the witch famine for so long, and there is a certain reason."

A dignified look flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes. If he didn't use the skill enhancement card, he would have to spend a lot of effort to defeat Shangguan Jun.

Shangguan Jun stepped off the ring, and the team battle continued, but most people's thoughts remained on the battle of Shangguan Jun.

"The third ring, 250 vs. 149!"

"Fourth ring, 249 to 150!"

At this moment, the referee's voice came.

"Let's go." Xiao Chen said lightly, and then already walked forward. The other four people followed Xiao Chen nervously.

When Xiao Chen and the others walked to the foot of the ring, there was an uproar in the crowd, and Xiao Chen also showed a weird look.

Because the No. 3 arena and the No. 4 arena are next to each other, and at this time, there is also a five-person team under the No. 4 arena. The only difference from Xiao Chen and the others is that although the opponent has only five people, the five people are all spins. Pill Dingfeng, and Xiao Chen and the others have a five-layer spin pill and four spin pill with one layer, forming a sharp contrast.

"A five-person team, and still so weak, are they clowns!"

"Hahaha, they think they are the Five Ghosts of Ghost Stone City or Prince Shangguanjun. Such a weak team has the face to sign up."

"Five ghosts in Guishicheng." Qi Queque looked at the five people under the fourth ring, and his eyes flashed with solemnity and horror.

"Ghost City?" Xiao Chen murmured. He had heard that Ghost City was ranked third among 72 cities. The cultivation of ghost power, regardless of the technique or the breath, was very gloomy.

"The five ghosts in Guishicheng are very cruel because of the cultivation of ghost power, and the five ghosts have been cultivating together since they were young, and they have the same mind. The five of them act together, and they are not weaker than the strong Yuan Ying."

Qi Queque explained to Xiao Chen, and at this moment, the five ghosts of Guishicheng seemed to have heard the discussion from the crowd, and turned to look at Xiao Chen and others. The one headed opened his mouth, showing white teeth, and smiled. Get up, extremely gloomy.

"A group of grandstanding clowns."

"People are neither ghosts nor ghosts. It's disgusting to laugh." Xiao Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, the five ghosts of Guishicheng's face sank.

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