Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2953: Against the Five Ghosts!

Guichi said solemnly, but his words changed the complexions of the other four ghosts, and Guichi has never been aimless. In other words, what Guichi said is likely to be true.

"We really passed the first round." The four Qiqueques who returned to the team were a little excited and a little unbelievable.

"It's too early to be happy. There are two more rounds ahead. Most of our methods must already be known, and what we have to face is the strong among the strong."

At this moment, Xiao Chen had poured down a basin of cold water, and the faces of the four of them collapsed in an instant. Whether it was an illusion or something, they could only make a surprise. Now that the other party has preparedness, it is very important to play a role Difficult.

"After the first round, we are very satisfied. After all, we didn't expect to be able to go to this point."

Gong Long couldn't help saying that he already had a retreat, not only him, but Ling Shuang and Ling Bing also retreated. They can pass the first round, they should be able to attract some attention in the clan, and there is no need to continue. .

"What do you mean?" Qi Queque was startled.

"The three of us discussed it a while ago. We decided to withdraw from the game. Anyway, we were also drawn to make up the number. It shouldn't matter if we have us or not." Gong Long said.

"That's what we mean." Ling Shuang also said, the voice fell, and the three of them had already left directly, not giving Qi Queque a chance to speak.

"How can they be like this?" Qi Queque looked angry, then looked at Xiao Chen and couldn't help saying: "Captain Xiao Chen, what should we do now?"

"Since you have decided to participate in this competition, no matter what, you have to go on." Xiao Chen said lightly. When Ling Shuang and the others left, Xiao Chen didn't have any expressions. Their appearance might just add some fun.

"I know, I will walk with Captain Xiao Chen." Qi Queque looked at Xiao Chen and said firmly.

Xiao Chen smiled and did not speak.

The competition continued, and in the next competition, the strong emerged one after another. Although not as good as Shangguan Jun, there were also many arrogances who were remembered.

As time passed, the second round started. After seeing Shangguanjun's methods, Shangguanjun's opponent in the second round directly surrendered.

Soon after, Xiao Chen and the others were called, and what was surprising was that Xiao Chen and their opponents turned out to be the Five Ghosts of Ghost Stone City.

On the third ring!

"Hey, why are there only two of you left, and the other three?" Guichi asked.

"Escaped." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"There is self-knowledge." The ghost said with a smirk.

"Why is this weak chicken here? Isn't he already defeated?" Xiao Chen glanced at Du Feng beside Wugui and said lightly.

Hearing the word weak chicken, Du Feng instantly became angry.

"You are old friends, so I brought him up to tell you the old times, why are you unhappy?" Guichi smiled lightly.

"He was eliminated in the last round?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Don't you know?"

"Know what?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Captain Xiao Chen, the upper limit for a team battle is 50 people. In other words, as long as the team does not reach 50 people, you can continue to recruit people. Of course, you can also recruit some people who lost in the previous round."

Qi Queque explained that this is a special part of the rules. For example, in the first round of the team that met Shangguanjun, many of them were strong. They were naturally unwilling to lose, but this time the rules are OK Let them break up their team and join the winner's team, of course, provided that the winner's team is less than 50 people, and the captain's consent is required.

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