Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2956: Fight against ghosts!


The strong wind directly pressed Xiao Chen back several steps, and the ghost was also lifted by this force, and then steadily landed on the ground, staring at Xiao Chen and said: "I didn't feel wrong, you There is a powerful force in him."

"The five ghosts of Guishicheng are indeed well-deserved. If the five ghosts are above all else, I am afraid I have already lost."

Xiao Chen said solemnly, the little elf was too right. He was a little too dependent on the system. If he didn't rely on the power of the system, he would be tied at best with the ghost with his current strength.

"Meeting with ghosts can improve your strength, but there is a time limit, and you rely on real power. So next, I will use the strongest trick. If you can follow, this competition, even I lose!"

The ghost said in a deep voice, the voice fell, and his surroundings suddenly became very cold, a layer of frost had appeared under his feet, and a long sword appeared in his hand, exuding a cold air.

Guichi raised the long sword in his hand high, and the power continuously poured into the long sword, and the surrounding space, because the power was pouring into the long sword, slowly showed signs of freezing.

Xiao Chen's eyes condensed, Ling Tianhua Sword appeared in his hand, and the power in his body continued to pour in. With the help of Qian Kun, a powerful force was gathered on the long sword.

"Devil May Cry!"

"Star River Blade!"

Guichi and Xiao Chen burst into light in their eyes at the same time, and shouted at the same time, and then a sword light full of cold air and a blade light full of starlight cut down towards each other at the same time, and then met in midair.


A black and a bright, a cold and a light, slammed together fiercely, the formation on the ring shook under the impact, and this movement instantly attracted everyone’s attention, even in the eyes of Shangguan Jun. Showing surprise.

The Sigui and Qi Queque had already been squeezed onto the barrier by this force. If the referee hadn't stood in front of Qi Queque, she might have been seriously injured.

"Who the **** is this kid who can fight against the ghosts after fusion of ghosts to such a degree!"

"That costume, if I read it correctly, it should be a contestant from Tushancheng!"

"You're kidding, Tushan City? This kid is only a five-layer spin pill, and with such a powerful force, can Tushan City have such a genius?"

Suspicious voices sounded in the martial arts field.

"He is so strong." Du Feng, who was also protected by the four ghosts, had disbelief in his eyes. At this time, under the ring, whether it was Sister Lingshuang or Gonglong, there was disbelief and regret in his eyes.

On the ring, there was a solemn color in Xiao Chen's eyes, and the blade of the galaxy was followed by ghosts, and the blade of the blade formed by the blade of galaxy had a layer of frost, obviously the blade of the galaxy was frozen!


A crisp sound sounded, the blade of the galaxy was completely frozen, and then turned into ice crystals, shattered, and the ghostly sword light continued to chop downward.

"Overlord Fist!"

Xiao Chen punched out and bombarded the sword light. After a stalemate, the entire sword light broke apart. Xiao Chen directly touched the ground with one knee. The strength in his body was almost exhausted, but with the Nine Turns God Desolate Decision Running, and gradually recovered a little strength.

Although Guichi was still standing, but similarly, he didn't have any strength in his body.

"You accepted my attack. As agreed, we lost. We five ghosts joined your team. Captain Xiao Chen, please advise!"

The ghost laughed.

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