Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2966: A windfall!

Hearing this, Du Lie showed a slight complacency, but at this moment, Xiao Chen’s voice came over again: "But it’s not because of your favor from City Lord Du Lie, because your favor is worthless to me. I want to sell this quota."

"What do you mean?" Du Lie's face sank.

"Literally, there are currently only eight people in our team, and a team can have fifty people, that is to say, there are still 48 places. I want to sell all of these places. One place only costs 500,000 yuan."

Xiao Chen said lightly, although the voice is not high, it is enough to cause the movement of other people around, 500,000 crystals, it is almost the entire worth of a Tier 4 powerhouse, of course, for each city, these are nothing. .

Du Lie's face was very ugly. His single favor was not worth 500,000 yuan, which caused him to be greatly humiliated.

"Captain Xiao Chen, do you really want to sell your quota? In my opinion, it is the best choice to take these quotas and build a good relationship with major cities." Qi Queque couldn't help but say.

"Oh, little bird, you don’t understand, our Tushan City is a poor clink. I don’t even have the crystals for cultivation. The reason why I want to win is to increase my worth and to have more crystals. Now that I have such a good opportunity, I naturally cannot miss it."

Xiao Chen said helplessly.

Both Guichi and Shangguanjun looked at Xiao Chen speechlessly. With the talent that Xiao Chen showed, as long as they joined any force, they would not bother about cultivation resources.

"Do you really want to sell the quota?" At this moment, a Xuandan pinnacle Tianjiao walked over and said.

"Children are not deceived." Xiao Chen smiled faintly.

"Here is half a million crystals." As the Tianjiao threw out a storage ring, Xiao Chen took the storage ring and checked it carefully. After confirming that the number was correct, he smiled and said, "Welcome to join."

With the addition of this Tianjiao, other people also came over. There were more and more members in Xiao Chen's team. Du Lie also looked ugly and bought a place for Du Feng.

Obviously, many people didn't want to miss the opportunity of the Tomb of the Witch Emperor. Soon, Xiao Chen's team made up 50 people, and the 15 teams were all full.

"It's done, it's done." Xiao Chen smiled with a look of wealth. A person of 500,000 yuan of crystals, he has received a full 20 million yuan of crystals, which is really an unexpected gain for him.

Half a day passed quickly. With a wave of the white-haired mad demon, a huge battleship appeared above the martial arts field. The entire battleship was huge enough to carry thousands of people. Then the white-haired mad demon and others won fifteenths. A team, as well as some city owners, all boarded the battleship.

Afterwards, the six powerful Nascent Souls urged the battleship at the same time, and the battleship slowly moved towards the place where the tomb of the Witch Emperor was. Soon, Shangguan Zucheng disappeared from everyone's sight.

According to Guichi, at the junction of Wuhuang and Northern Wilderness, there is a Wuhuang Mountain Range, and the tomb of the Witch Emperor is in the Wuhuang Mountain Range. It takes at least ten days to reach the Wuhuang Tomb from Shangguanzu City.

After the battleship was activated, Shangguan Jun found a place, sat cross-legged, and was in the midst of training. Xiao Chen glanced at him. Genius often represents not only talent, but also the degree of effort.

Xiao Chen also found a corner and sat cross-legged. He had just obtained the Yuan Jing on his body. Perhaps he could take advantage of this time to break through a small realm.

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