Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2969: Di Sha provocation!

The evil spirit star laughed loudly, and the laughter was full of sarcasm, and the face of Seventy-two City Tianjiao was flushed, more humiliating.

"You’re right. The Xuandan Tianjiao of Seventy-two City is indeed inferior to your Tianjiao of Seventy-two Earth Devil. If a full-scale war starts, they may all die here, but I’m here with a white-haired madman, I can guarantee , Except you, everyone else is going to die!"

The white-haired mad demon said in a deep voice, quite a bit of a spirit that would rather be jade than be complete, and the firmness on his face made people dare not doubt what he said.

Although the face of the earth mad evil star remained unchanged, but his heart was a little gloomy. Among the Shangguan royal family, there may be stronger than the white-haired mad demon, but the only one who dares to be so decisive is probably the white-haired mad demon. His purpose this time is also Onmyoji, he dare not bet.

"Hahaha, white-haired mad demon, not seeing you for so long, your spirit is not weak at all. Today I am in a good mood, and I don’t want to make too many killings. Let’s do this, as long as the Xuandan Tianjiao behind you can have someone If you have won this disciple, this seat will let you go."

The mad evil star swept across a group of Xuan Dan Tianjiao, and then said lightly.

The white-haired mad demon didn't have any expressions, he knew that the earth mad evil star did not dare to take all the Xuan Pill Tianjiao to bet with him, the earth mad evil star did not dare, and he did not dare either.

"Although my seventy-two city Xuandan Tianjiao is not strong in overall strength, there are still several good seedlings among them. Since you want to insult yourself, how can I be wrong."

White-haired crazy demon said lightly.

"Then I have to see who is taking the humiliation." The evil spirit star sneered, then hooked his fingers, and walked out behind him a burly young man with a fierce atmosphere all over his body. Arrogant.

"I am the Quil Wolf, who among you dares to fight me!" Quilty wolf pointed at the many Xuan Pill Tianjiao, and said very arrogantly.

"Jun'er." The white-haired mad demon said lightly, the voice fell, and Shangguan Jun had already walked out, looking at Quil Wolf, and said lightly: "I'll fight you!"

"If I didn't guess wrong, you should be Shangguan Jun, the number one arrogant in Seventy-two City, I would have thought of meeting you for a while!"

The aura of the peak of the Quil Lang Xuan Pill was all released, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Shangguan Jun's face sank, not because of the harshness of Quilang's words, but because of the first arrogant, for him now, it is a complete shame!


Shangguan Jun was not talking nonsense, and rushed out of the battleship directly. He had turned into a **** of war with a spear in his hand and slammed into the wolf.

Quilted wolf looked at Shangguan Jun who had turned into a golden armored war god, and a look of excitement flashed in his eyes, a demon power flowed through his body, and the whole person instantly turned into a giant wolf, and went straight to Shangguan Jun. The wolf's claws and spear were instantly in midair Meet.

"How could it be that he actually blocked a shot of Prince Shangguan Jun!"

Seventy-two City Tianjiao was shocked, Shangguan Jun, in the state of the Golden Armored God of War, naturally shot with all his strength, but was actually blocked by the giant wolf!

"The first Tianjiao of Seventy-two City, that's nothing more!" Quilang sneered, his eyes full of sarcasm.

Hearing that, Shangguan Jun's face became even more gloomy, and he shot the Quilted Wolf away with a single shot. All the power in his body surged crazily, and a golden dragon roared out, and then rushed directly at Quilted Wolf!

Quilted wolf stabilized his figure and looked at the golden dragon, his eyes flashed solemnly, he naturally felt the powerful power in the golden dragon, did not dare to have any reservations, turned into a hungry wolf pounce, and rushed towards the golden dragon!

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