Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2972: Tomb of the Witch King is open!

"You're done, my master hates men the most. If you let her elderly know that you say this, you will die miserably." Shangguan Jun looked at Xiao Chen coldly, if it wasn't because he couldn't beat Xiao Chen. He had gone up to beat Xiao Chen long ago.

"It seems I'm in trouble." Xiao Chen collapsed instantly.


The white-haired mad demon laughed, and then urged the broken battleship to move on, and because of Xiao Chen's gag, the atmosphere on the battleship was not as low as before, and the previous fears were gradually reduced.

After a few hours, the battleship came to the abdomen of the Wuhuang Mountain Range, and at this time, below them, there appeared a hole like a tiankeng. According to the white-haired crazy demon, this is the tomb of the Witch Emperor, the entrance to the Boundary Pill realm. As for the entrance of the strong Yuan Ying, it is not here.

Not far from the entrance of the cave, the black battleship of Seventy-two Earthshad was docked. At this time, Crazy Star stared at Seventy-two City Tianjiao's plain expression and frowned slightly.

"Unexpectedly, you really dare to come, it seems that you are really not afraid of death!" At the sign of the earth mad evil star, Kuihu stood up and gave a cold glance at the Tianjiao.

"Who said that we are not afraid of death, we are afraid of death, OK? The tomb of the Witch Emperor was opened for the first time, and there are many dangers inside. Of course we are afraid of death."

After discovering that the atmosphere was a little heavy again, Xiao Chen sighed, and then walked out.

"Since I'm afraid of death, why come?" Kuihu said coldly.

"Hey, there is no way, even weak chickens like you are here, we are afraid, and we can't be compared to you." Xiao Chen sighed.

When these words came out, Kuihu was taken aback for a moment, and then instantly became gloomy, his eyes full of killing intent.

"Boy, are you deliberately angering me?" Que Hu said coldly.

"What can you do to provoke a weak chicken, do you watch his fangs and dancing claws?" Xiao Chen asked with a puzzled look.

As soon as he said this, the Tianjiao behind Xiao Chen heard a loud laugh, and Kuihu's expression became even more gloomy, not only him, but the Seventy-two Heavenly Pride, all staring at Xiao Chen with murderous intent.

"This kid is really interesting, he even angered Kuihu and his party easily." The white-haired crazy demon showed a slight smile.

"If you want to die, I can fulfill you now!" Kuihu took a step, his violent aura was released.

"Quihu, don't be impulsive." At this moment, the mad evil star pressed on Quihu's shoulders and said in a deep voice. He was mainly worried that the white-haired mad dog would jump off the wall, otherwise, how could he swallow so much.

"Enter the tomb of the Witch Emperor, I will kill you first!" Kuihu glanced at Xiao Chen coldly, and then returned to the battleship.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Xiao Chen said lightly.

As this episode passed, both parties were very calm, waiting quietly for the opening of the Witch Emperor’s Tomb. After a while, the entire Witchhuang Mountains trembled violently, and everyone instantly opened their eyes and looked towards Tiankeng in the distance.

Afterwards, the Tiankeng spit out a glow, and a passage appeared in the Tiankeng, which was slowly taking shape. Everyone knew that the Tomb of the Witch Emperor had opened.

"Finally opened!"

Xiao Chen looked at the slowly formed passage, and in his mind, the quest series of the Tomb of the Witch Emperor also sounded. Xiao Chen knew that there was another large amount of pit margin value, which was about to be credited.

All Tianjiao looked a little excitedly at the slowly forming passage, the cemetery of a seventh-order strongman, and no one knew how many rare treasures there were. It was because they did not know that they were full of expectations.

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