Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2975: Fight the puppets!

Xiao Chen smiled, and then followed.

After passing the Poison Demon Flower, they did not encounter any danger along the way. Then the two came to a hall. The whole hall was not very big. There was only one room. In the middle of the hall, there was a ball floating inside the ball. There is a flame spear, exuding a breath of terror.

"This long spear has reached the lower level of Tier 6!" Shangguan Sparrow's eyes showed surprise. Not only is it Tier 6, it is also a long spear, which suits her.

"It's worthy of being the tomb of the Witch Emperor, and I came across a sixth-order prehistoric artifact casually. It seems that the eldest made a good harvest this time."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

Shangguanque glanced at Xiao Chen coldly, and when she was about to move forward, suddenly two figures fell on both sides of the ball, and these two figures were exactly the same as Shangguanque and Xiao Chen, except that the two figures radiated together. With the eight-fold aura of Yuan Ying, and one exudes the eight-fold aura of Xuandan.

"Sure enough, Tier 6 magical weapons are not so easy to handle. This should be the so-called breath puppet. It is worthy of being the first person in the past, and there are such methods." Shangguan's eyes flashed solemnly.

"Aura puppet?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly.

"There is a special formation in this hall that can condense combat puppets based on the breath of those who have broken into the hall. This method of testing strength is very common in all major sects." Shangguanque said lightly.

And as soon as her voice fell, the puppet who looked exactly like her had already rushed towards her, and the other fighting puppet also rushed towards Xiao Chen.

"Battle puppet, Xuandan eightfold, interesting, I want to see how good you are." Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, and then the Overlord Fist struck out directly, colliding with the fighting puppet, the next moment, the fighting puppet directly Was bombed into slag.

Xiao Chen was a little surprised, and only reacted after a while, "Cut, I think I have some ability, it turned out to be equivalent to an ordinary Xuandan eightfold!"

Xiao Chen suddenly lost interest, and then looked at Shangguanque. Shangguanque had already taken out a spear and met the battle puppet. Although the battle puppet was only an ordinary Nascent Soul Eightfold, it also had the power of a Nascent Soul Eightfold powerhouse. For a while, Shangguanque couldn't win it.

"Burst Gun!"

After all, the puppet was a puppet. After several encounters, Shangguan Sparrow became a little impatient, and directly sacrificed a big move. A huge burning flame gun was formed, and the combat puppet was directly smashed with one shot.

Shangguanque took the spear, and then came to the ball and pierced the ball. The whole ball burst instantly. Just as Shangguanque was a little pleased to get the spear, a icy sword aura suddenly cut from the entrance of the hall. Come in, go directly to the official bird.

Shangguanque's expression changed. If she continued to take the flame spear, she would definitely be severely injured. In desperation, she had to give up the spear and instantly stepped aside. Then she looked at the entrance of the hall and said coldly: "Who Attack Miss Ben, get out of Miss Ben!"

"Tsk tusk, there is not only a magic weapon that has reached the sixth rank, but also such a hot chick, it seems that some have played this time."

As a voice of abuse fell, three people appeared at the entrance of the hall, a young man and two middle-aged people. When they saw the cultivation base of the three, Shangguanque's expression changed. The young man was the same as her, the same Yuan Ying. Sixth layer, and the two middle-aged people also reached the fifth layer of Yuan Ying.

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