Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2977: Courageous!

Shangguanque's face was very ugly, she naturally heard the ridicule in the words of the evil spirits, but now she only has the option of uniting the evil spirits, and can only suppress the anger in her heart, and said in a deep voice: " I believe you don’t want the evil spirits of the earth to be taken away by the people of the Northern Wilderness."

"Hahaha, Shangguanque, are you kidding me? Don’t tell me, you don’t know that the Seventy-two Devil belonged to the Northern Wilderness, and we and Jin Zhongzong are the same master, so no matter what you say today, you will die. !"

Diyong evil star sneered, Shangguanque’s expression changed. In fact, Seventy-two Earth evil is a foreigner, otherwise she would not have a relationship with Seventy-two City Fighting, but she didn’t know that Seventy-two Earth evil and Jin Zhongzong were there. This relationship.

"Don't rush to kill her first, such a beautiful woman, if you don't taste her, it's really unreasonable." Jian Xibei said lightly.

"You said that, I have long wanted to taste the taste of Shangguanque, but I heard that the first beauty in Wuhuang is not Shangguanque, but the master of Shangguanque. If there is a chance to take it down, then it is Something to celebrate."

Di Yong said, with a dirty smile on his face.

"Shangguanque's master should also be Shangguanjun's master, isn't that the young master's wife? You are so brave that you dare to hit the young master's wife's attention. When this young master doesn't exist?"

When the filthy laughter came from the hall, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded, and then the eyes of everyone in the hall shifted to Xiao Chen, who had been ignored.

"There is still an ant here. Although there is no sense of accomplishment in killing an ant, who made you belong to Seventy-two City." The evil spirit earthy glanced at Xiao Chen and said with disdain.

"Is the ant talking about this young master? With your seven-tiered cultivation base, who gives you the courage to talk to this young master!" Xiao Chen looked at the evil spirit earthly star, extremely indifferent.

"Interesting, a mere six-layer spinner ant, who gave you the courage to speak to me like this!" A cruel look appeared on the face of the evil spirit earth, and he couldn't wait to tear Xiao Chen into pieces. Fragmented.

"The courage this thing, this young master wants as much, but you don't have to know it, because you are going to die!"

Xiao Chen said indifferently.

"Hahaha, I'm going to die? Why do you die, are you coming to kill me?" Diyong evil spirit laughed frantically, and the three people in the northwestern Jian, and Shangguanque looked at Xiao Chen in confusion.

And at this moment, the two people standing behind the evil spirits of Earthly Brave suddenly punched one of them directly on the back of evil spirits of Earthy Brave, and the evil spirits of Earth squirted out a mouthful of blood, and their breath was instantly wilted to the extreme. Has been seriously injured.

"Why?" Di Yong evil star turned his head and looked at the two behind him, saying in disbelief.

The two did not pay attention to the evil spirits, but came to Xiao Chen's side and respectfully said: "Disciples see the third master!"

"How do you two call?" Xiao Chen asked indifferently. There were Gu worms in the two of them. Although Xiao Chen didn't know what they were called, he knew that they came from Tongtian Continent.

"Seventy-two evil spirits!"

"Seventy-two Earth Shaman Speed ​​Shastar!"

"I really didn't expect that when the Tongtian Continent was cleaned up, two of the strong people included in the seventy-two earth evil." Xiao Chen showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

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